View Full Version : TUESDAY ....ALL DAY

25-09-2012, 08:06 AM
Morning Everyone

It's sunny here but very cold brrrr better than the rain we had all day yesterday though.What is the weather like where you are?

What are you all doing today?

Have a great day everyone and stay warm and dry

Angel xx

25-09-2012, 08:10 AM
Morning Angel. Its sunny and dry here but also very cold, heating went on yesterday! Poor dd got in from school absolutely sodden yesterday! 2 x one year olds in today which are now sleeping! You have a good day too xxx

25-09-2012, 08:26 AM
Sunny?? What?? How come I live in my own micro climate here? We have torrential rain, road closures, college closures, flooding..... my own boys managed to get to school ( a 45 minute bus ride away) and then they closed the roads to get home. No idea how I am to get my children back today, and can't contact my husband. So as you can see, when the world has gone to hell, I come to the forum to chat about totally unrelated topics!
Am currently trying hard not to panic. The only other way I know into the school, is also closed.
One of my kiddos is sick today so having a quiet morning waiting for the other two to arrive, whereupon I will be giving one of the mum's notice of termination, so that will be fun.
My DO was supposed to be coming today, but she just called to say she can't get out of her town, which works well as I have no children and you can't get into our place.
Yay for Tuesdays :(

Cammie Doodle
25-09-2012, 08:30 AM
Its cold here but at least its dry, thank Goodness as I have 3 x2yr old boys today who love being outdoors, we will need to wrap up but at least we will be out.
Poor singing cactus I feel for you , hope there is some improvement soon

25-09-2012, 08:45 AM
Morning :)

We have gale force winds here, trees down, power cuts etc, was hoping the school would be closed this morning but no such luck :laughing:

Only got one mindee today and he's not even here yet as Mum has taken him to hospital as he's got something stuck in his foot. Nice easy day for me :thumbsup:

25-09-2012, 09:17 AM
Just got one mindee today and he is now napping. I had planned to use his naptime to catch up on his learning journey... Nursery run at 11.40 and then DD wants to got to the library and then conker hunting.

25-09-2012, 09:51 AM
No mindees today so I've spend part of the morning making a 'Duck Cassoulet' in the slow cooker and it should be ready for 6pm tonight.
I'm trying to write another chapter on one of my stories and trying to tie about 8 story threads together.
The weather is not too bad, some sun, some wind and a couple of heavy showers.
At least I'm busier on Wed and Thu :thumbsup:

25-09-2012, 09:56 AM
Sunny?? What?? How come I live in my own micro climate here? We have torrential rain, road closures, college closures, flooding..... my own boys managed to get to school ( a 45 minute bus ride away) and then they closed the roads to get home. No idea how I am to get my children back today, and can't contact my husband. So as you can see, when the world has gone to hell, I come to the forum to chat about totally unrelated topics!
Am currently trying hard not to panic. The only other way I know into the school, is also closed.
One of my kiddos is sick today so having a quiet morning waiting for the other two to arrive, whereupon I will be giving one of the mum's notice of termination, so that will be fun.
My DO was supposed to be coming today, but she just called to say she can't get out of her town, which works well as I have no children and you can't get into our place.
Yay for Tuesdays :(

Sorry you're having such a terrible Tuesday. Hope it improves soon and I'm sure it will work out OK. We almost got cut off yesterday but I still had a main road that I could use but it meant an 8 mile detour. Never seen flooding like it!

25-09-2012, 10:13 AM
:( Hasn't really improved. School has been shut, buses called, unfortunately the connecting bus has not been called so my children will be dumped 5 miles from home in torrential rain at some undetermined time because the bus company doesn't know how it is going to get the kids back. But they are doing everything they can. And it turns out, the connecting bus is not run by the same company and no one seems to know who runs it.

The only silver lining I have is a friend in a neighbouring village cannot get into work today so she is going to do her best to locate my kids.

And to top it off 3 yo mindee is having an all out paddy cos I told him not to shout at the 2 yo!

25-09-2012, 11:02 AM
Hope you get your kids back ok Singing Cactus.

Another day of rain and wind here. Found the lid for the chicken feed blew off and now full of rain and a dead mouse:( Have had to feed them crusty bread and veg until dp brings some chuck feed home. Meant to rain the rest of the day so looks like another wet school run later.

No mindees until afterschool so Alfie and I have been swimming this morning and he fell asleep on the way home and has woke in a foul mood. Going to have a lazy afternoon watching tv as never get to do that, cleaner been this morning so house nice and clean.

Stay safe everyone, don't get too wet.

25-09-2012, 11:23 AM
Sunny?? What?? How come I live in my own micro climate here? We have torrential rain, road closures, college closures, flooding..... my own boys managed to get to school ( a 45 minute bus ride away) and then they closed the roads to get home. No idea how I am to get my children back today, and can't contact my husband. So as you can see, when the world has gone to hell, I come to the forum to chat about totally unrelated topics!
Am currently trying hard not to panic. The only other way I know into the school, is also closed.
One of my kiddos is sick today so having a quiet morning waiting for the other two to arrive, whereupon I will be giving one of the mum's notice of termination, so that will be fun.
My DO was supposed to be coming today, but she just called to say she can't get out of her town, which works well as I have no children and you can't get into our place.
Yay for Tuesdays :(

:( hope you are ok.

its torrential rain here. my DO DID make it mine this morning, but said it was terrible and they were shutting the roads behind her. she did say that she thought she was the only one who had made it anywhere today! ( in fact, i think my DO was talking to your DO on her way !!! )
had a morning just playing and about to have lunch and sleeps.
then got a school pickup, but its a late one, so need to take car. hopefully it will be ok. we'll see if the new flood drains ( or whatever they are called! ) that were put in over the summer are working!

take care everyone xxx

25-09-2012, 11:26 AM
:( Hasn't really improved. School has been shut, buses called, unfortunately the connecting bus has not been called so my children will be dumped 5 miles from home in torrential rain at some undetermined time because the bus company doesn't know how it is going to get the kids back. But they are doing everything they can. And it turns out, the connecting bus is not run by the same company and no one seems to know who runs it.

The only silver lining I have is a friend in a neighbouring village cannot get into work today so she is going to do her best to locate my kids.

And to top it off 3 yo mindee is having an all out paddy cos I told him not to shout at the 2 yo!

oh bless you - the school should not be releasing children unless they can complete the journey! Thank goodness for your friend. Hope the children get home safe.

25-09-2012, 11:47 AM
My boys are home :clapping::clapping: They just strolled in the way kids do lol. The bus driver and company and teacher realised there was an issue with the connecting bus and went off route to bring all the RAF children all the way to the gate :clapping::clapping:. What an awesome bus company that is :thumbsup:

The mum I was going to give notice to has been a proper cow today over it all though so is definitely getting notice tonight - gone is the indecision.

25-09-2012, 12:51 PM
My boys are home :clapping::clapping: They just strolled in the way kids do lol. The bus driver and company and teacher realised there was an issue with the connecting bus and went off route to bring all the RAF children all the way to the gate :clapping::clapping:. What an awesome bus company that is :thumbsup:

The mum I was going to give notice to has been a proper cow today over it all though so is definitely getting notice tonight - gone is the indecision.

so pleased your boys are home safe & sound. what a super bus company.

25-09-2012, 01:20 PM
Afternoon Angel .. im working we have been to pg and played in the rain splashing in puddles.. lol.. Its my birthday im ## Omg i hear you shout yes old.i know... :eek: