View Full Version : Richard....

23-09-2012, 07:32 PM
i have been looking at my childcare.co.uk account and i am getting a bit :huh: about the lack of information parents put on their profiles....is there some way you could reinforce the importance of putting requirements on profiles.

Sometimes a profile is filled in and its all about how they like tibetan nose flute music and cocktail stick collecting....nothing about what they need.

or....its "can you pick up from school"....WHAT FLAMIN SCHOOL!!:doh::doh:

a guide would be good.....

love wibble xxxx

23-09-2012, 07:38 PM
i totally agree. always nice to know about the size of there front room and the pet dogs name but some useful info would be great haha.


23-09-2012, 07:45 PM
Oh I find it soooo helpful - how can you not to know the inside leg measurement of their great uncle gandolf!
And that they love their kids ...... at least thats a start... lol

23-09-2012, 07:54 PM
This thread has made me laugh :laughing:

I saw a parent profile saying how they were an active family, liked walking at the weekend, spending time together, taking adventure holidays. If you wanted any more info please get in touch...

...um yes, how about what childcare you're actually looking for :rolleyes:

The Juggler
23-09-2012, 07:56 PM
This thread has made me laugh :laughing:

I saw a parent profile saying how they were an active family, liked walking at the weekend, spending time together, taking adventure holidays. If you wanted any more info please get in touch...

...um yes, how about what childcare you're actually looking for :rolleyes:


23-09-2012, 08:52 PM
Also you get people who set up and account and then leave it blank for months.
What's that all about? :rolleyes:

23-09-2012, 08:57 PM
And I think accounts should be archived after a while too - if I do a search for parents seeking childcare and order it by nearest to my postcode, the first one up is my ex-parent (and current friend) whom I minded their daughter for 2 years before they relocated to Bristol - they do not live near to me any more, they do not need childcare at all! I think after an account has not been logged onto for a certain length of time, and they aren't paying membership, they should be dropped off my search results - there are loads of results whereby the parents haven't logged on for a few years - there is no point me seeing these results!

23-09-2012, 09:03 PM
And I think accounts should be archived after a while too - if I do a search for parents seeking childcare and order it by nearest to my postcode, the first one up is my ex-parent (and current friend) whom I minded their daughter for 2 years before they relocated to Bristol - they do not live near to me any more, they do not need childcare at all! I think after an account has not been logged onto for a certain length of time, and they aren't paying membership, they should be dropped off my search results - there are loads of results whereby the parents haven't logged on for a few years - there is no point me seeing these results!

Yes, very true, it must clog up the system a bit! :eek:

jaswinder bedi
23-09-2012, 09:18 PM
It sounds all interesting, things that have made me laugh:laughing::laughing:Will be more interesting to see what parents think about childcare!!!

24-09-2012, 05:21 AM
Sometimes a profile is filled in and its all about how they like tibetan nose flute music and cocktail stick collecting....nothing about what they need.

That did make me LOL Wibble, but oh so true :rolleyes: x

24-09-2012, 05:27 AM
Here is the search for my area...

Profile, really good info about age and care requirements

Profile, blank

Profile, blank

Profile, I have twin sons aged 5

Profile, really good info about age and care requirements

Profile, blank

Profile, blank

I have messaged all the blank people and it appears they have nothing to say... which is really annoying especially when they view your profile 6+ times... Wonders if they are CM's doing a bit of "research" :rolleyes:

24-09-2012, 12:25 PM
I did actually message Richard about this very subject a while back. His answer was that whilst he appreciated my thoughts, some parents choose not to give any details and that he couldn't really do much about it.
This thread has really made me laugh. I honestly think that some parents think that we jolly on round 14 different schools every day picking up random children as we go:D
I have been known to message parents saying that if you are a little more specific about your requirements, you may get more response! 9 times out of ten they are quite grateful for the advice.
Which suggests to me that alot of parents still don't 'get' what we do.
Ho hum
Thanks for the giggle though.

24-09-2012, 01:14 PM
:rolleyes: there was a post from a parent looking for URGENT childcare 3 weeks ago ... i replied and sent a seperate email ... guess what ... neither has been opened or read!

24-09-2012, 01:46 PM
Unfortunately some parents prefer to search for childcare providers themselves and initiate contact with them rather than have childcare providers contact them in the first instance.

For this reason some parents choose not to complete all of their profile.

I know this can be frustrating :(

i have been looking at my childcare.co.uk account and i am getting a bit :huh: about the lack of information parents put on their profiles....is there some way you could reinforce the importance of putting requirements on profiles.

Sometimes a profile is filled in and its all about how they like tibetan nose flute music and cocktail stick collecting....nothing about what they need.

or....its "can you pick up from school"....WHAT FLAMIN SCHOOL!!:doh::doh:

a guide would be good.....

love wibble xxxx

24-09-2012, 01:53 PM
whilst I do agree with what alot of you are saying, remember some of these people are probably looking more for nannies, so some of the info is relevent. The people who have blank profiles I always assume want to look at us, but don't really want all of us contacting them. I have to be honest though for school pick ups it would be easier if they state the school :D

24-09-2012, 07:00 PM
i like the ones that start 'hello I'm a single parent age...' Im sure some of them think its a dating site :laughing:
I too find it frustrating that parents dont put down their information or forget the important bits, I send loads of messages, about a third of them dont get read and over half end up being the wrong school or the wrong end of town etc
But then again I have had several parent visits of there and have had a few sign up over the years.