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View Full Version : complaint against me for running a nursery

21-09-2012, 04:32 PM
I got a letter this morning from the local council planning enforcement officer.
Somebody has made a complaint that I am running a nursery from my house :angry:
I have to contact the office within 7 days and I rang but no one was there so I left a message.

I know it is my elderly neighbour that has complained as he has had a problem with me from the day I moved in 11 years ago.

We are just a normal family who do not have parties or bbq's (we have those at my sisters house because it is bigger), we do not play loud music and I always consider my neighbours because other than him, all the neighbours are nice and I dont let the lo's make excessive noise.
He used to complain to the mp and local council for the first 2 years or so that I moved in saying that my dc's were playing music or they were too loud and basically because it was all untrue or exaggerated, he was told to stop making false allegations.

I had no complaints for about 7 years and then last year he complained to the council that my garage roof was dripping water on to his and making it rot, he wanted the council to make me take down my garage, some one came out but basically said its not true because there is guttering between them.
His wife has just gone in a nursing home so it looks like he has too much time on his hands again and he is starting the complaining about me again. I am not the only family that he has complained about but the other family have moved now and our other neighbours are over 50 or do not have any children, so I am the only one in the firing line at the moment.

I am not particularly worried about this complaint because I am not running a nursery but I did read on line that you do not need planning permission if you mind 3 or less children. Does that mean I do because I can mind between 3 and 5 plus my own dd on any 1 day?

I am worried that he probably doesnt know that Ofsted are the ones that he could complain to to have the biggest effect on me and my business.
I dont know whether I should phone Ofsted and say that I may get a malicious complaint made against me because I know for a fact that if he knew about Ofsted he would ring them straight away.

What should I do, I am so fed up of having to defend myself because of this nasty little man :mad:

21-09-2012, 04:38 PM
ring ofsted to cover your back. and i personally would go round the mans house and have words

21-09-2012, 04:51 PM
Planning permission is normally accepted as 6 under 8 however some local authorities do have lower numbers.

I have documents you can use if it comes to a fight with planning - just let me know and I will dig them out for you.

Hth :D

Cammie Doodle
21-09-2012, 05:14 PM
I had a similar thing happen a few years ago, but I never received a letter just a planning officer knock on my door.
He asked a lot of questions, inc what each room was used for, he said what room is this? I said dining room !!! he said good good!! he asked how many cots were upstairs I answered 1, he said you are answering everything right I said what do you mean? he explained that no room in my home was for the purpose of running a Nursery (ie they have dual purpose ie dining room/ playroom, he left very satisfied that I was not running a Nursery.
I received a letter from them stating all was in order, but the upsetting thing was my neighbour received a letter saying further to your complaint we are satisfied that your neighbour is not running a Nursery and there is no case to answer, my neighbour did not complain someone else did and used her name:angry:

21-09-2012, 05:19 PM
You have my sympathies - my cm friend has gone through hell with her elderly neighbours.

Ring Ofsted so they know it's a malicious complaint, if he knows nothing about them, then it shouldn't go any further, but just to be safe I'd do it.


23-09-2012, 08:56 AM
Thanks for the replies,
I have calmed down now and I will ring Ofsted tomorrow.

The neighbour will be looking for a reaction from me so I will not be giving him one. I will carry on as normal and that will wind him up more than me telling him what I think about him. :p

Thanks for the offer of the paperwork Sarah :thumbsup:
I will phone the planning department again tomorrow and see what they say

jaswinder bedi
23-09-2012, 09:08 AM
I feel for you :group hug: best write and phone ofsted to cover your back! As children can be noisey out door its not that case, but you will be covered for your job and iam sure they will understand like others said. Also you are covered to mind six children any way You have nothing to worry asyou are under your ratio!!!

look at your palnning permission too. Hope all goes well. X

23-09-2012, 09:17 AM
Thanks for the replies,
I have calmed down now and I will ring Ofsted tomorrow.

The neighbour will be looking for a reaction from me so I will not be giving him one. I will carry on as normal and that will wind him up more than me telling him what I think about him. :p

Thanks for the offer of the paperwork Sarah :thumbsup:
I will phone the planning department again tomorrow and see what they say

I admire your quiet determination, professionalism, and wisdom. :clapping::clapping::clapping:

23-09-2012, 12:02 PM
I admire your quiet determination, professionalism, and wisdom. :clapping::clapping::clapping:


I won't write down what mine and dh's thoughts were of how to get him back before we slept on it ;)

23-09-2012, 12:04 PM

I won't write down what mine and dh's thoughts were of how to get him back before we slept on it ;)

Just keep those thoughts in your head ;)