View Full Version : i have just taken my shoes off after a busy day and......

20-09-2012, 04:48 PM
a pair of knickers fell out of the bottom of my jeans......

the mind boggles to what i wouldve done if they had made an appearance whilst in polite company earlier today....

i must remember to check my jeans before i put them on

wibble xxx

20-09-2012, 04:52 PM

Hope they were clean :eek: :laughing:

That really made me laugh!!!

20-09-2012, 04:52 PM

Marian x

20-09-2012, 04:55 PM

Hope they were clean :eek: :laughing:

That really made me laugh!!!

they were (i checked ;)) i think they got stuck up there when they were in the washing machine (i only wear black so everything goes in together)

wibble xxxxxxx

christine e
20-09-2012, 05:31 PM
Have to admit that I have done that too:blush:

20-09-2012, 05:33 PM
:laughing: thanks for making me smile:)

The Juggler
20-09-2012, 05:42 PM

20-09-2012, 06:08 PM
Ds often used to find socks stuck to his school jumpers with the static - usually during PE! :laughing: :laughing:

20-09-2012, 06:09 PM

20-09-2012, 06:10 PM
:laughing: thanks for making me smile:)

i aim to please

wibble xxxxx

20-09-2012, 06:15 PM
A spider dropped out of mine when I pulled them on the other morning !

20-09-2012, 06:18 PM
A spider dropped out of mine when I pulled them on the other morning !

oh god...that would just push me over the edge...

i once was drying my hair with a towel, looked at my reflection and there was a spider so big i could see its teeth-sitting on my left boob gnashing its jaws........

i screamed, knocked it off

and then vomitted:o

i dont like spiders

wibble xx

20-09-2012, 06:19 PM
To wibble :laughing::laughing::laughing:

To velliety: :eek:

Runs away screaming!

20-09-2012, 06:22 PM
:laughing::laughing: I've worked all day with pants in my jeans (clean I promise!) and once I got my favourite T-shirt off the line and put it on then found a spider in it! :eek::eek::eek:

I always check VERY carefully now... :laughing::laughing::laughing:

20-09-2012, 06:40 PM
Lol! Thought you were going to say that you got knocked out by smelly feet :D

The worst I had with clothing was as a teenager, had a bath at home and had put new knickers on the floor ready to put on and I kid you not a black beetle managed to get in there (black knickers) and I put them on.
Well the look on my face must have been priceless and I screamed the house down.
My parents laughed so much....hmmm :blush:

jaswinder bedi
20-09-2012, 06:43 PM
Oooo spiders dont like them! :eek:they live web every where, eeekk!!!! :panic:Reading this message i had itchy leg keep feeling spider walking on my leg i hav checked five times cant seem to find it!!!! :panic:

20-09-2012, 06:44 PM
Thats so funny! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

20-09-2012, 07:05 PM
:laughing: I can deal with live spiders but I hate cobwebs and and i hate dead spiders, I keep finding those great big hairy spiders curled up dead on my carpets cause we have a cat and a kitten and they both love playing with them,, its so gross and makes me gag every time

20-09-2012, 08:35 PM

I was on the local village bus not long ago (most of the others are pensioners) and a woman got on with something dangling out of the bottom of her jeans - she's a just turned 60ish quite trendy lady.

I told her and she pulled it from the ankle - we were laughing sooo much! It was a pair of tights and they just got longer and longer the more she pulled :laughing: They came out in the end. Hardly anyone noticed luckily, they are mostly in their 80's and can't see/hear well. Bet she checks before she leaves home now :D

The Juggler
20-09-2012, 08:51 PM
i can beat the spider story. I took in the washing one morning. I had a short, curly bob at the time. 10 mins later the door went, mindees arrive, had an itch, scratched my head and a spider the size of my palm fell on the floor - it had been in my hair for 10 mins :eek::eek::panic::panic:

it fell on the floor and mindees dad was my hero and took it outside and got rid for me. I felt sick all day :laughing:

20-09-2012, 09:17 PM
I hate spiders. I once walked to the station feeling a stone in my boot when I got there and took it off and shook it out came a spider!! I now put a sock over my boots when I take them off plus shake the boot and check carefully each time for spiders and bugs!!

If there indoors I usually hoover them up!! Not sure if they'd be able to get back out of hoover - I'm hoping not!!

21-09-2012, 07:10 AM
I drove to work one morning and my big toe kept itching.
When I got to my desk, I took off my shoe to have a scratch and the most enormous spider ran out of my shoe and across the floor.
I nearly passed out :eek:

Mind you, it's not as bad as when my brother in law decided it would be funny to stuff a load of acorns under my sun visor in the car. As I drove to work and pulled down the visor, I was suddenly cover with a shower of acorns :eek:
He thought it was very funny but I told him he was a Pratt and could have caused a major accident or even killed someone :angry:

21-09-2012, 12:53 PM
I was talking to a friend yesterday and she was telling me when she was small her mum walked all the way to school with yesterday's tights and knickers hanging out the bottom of her trouser leg - she only found out when a friend took her to one side. Apparently she still doesn't see the funny side 30 years on :laughing::laughing:

22-09-2012, 03:39 PM
My worst one was that I had left some washing out on the line for quite a few days and then brought it in and it seemed clean and dry enough so I just put it away in my wardrobe. Later that evening I took out a towel and had a bath and as I was drying my hair with the towel wrapped around me, I had this odd sensation and in the mirror it looked like the whole corner of the towel was moving. I threw it off me and when I looked closer it was alive with hundreds of tiny baby ... caterpillars?! I'm still not sure what they were! Little wispy curly lines that were all wriggling together quite densely within the material of the towel. Had the absolute fright of my life.