View Full Version : Help with a next step please

20-09-2012, 12:59 PM
Hi my 48 month old was playing with the bricks and chatting away. She said "you can't go over it, you can't go under it", as she said this she moved the brick around the others. What next step can I put on my planning?

karens knippers
20-09-2012, 01:07 PM
How about reading We're going on a bear hunt....could join in cant go through it etc

20-09-2012, 01:07 PM
maybe exploring other positional language through a game of hide the ......teddy / brick whatever..

or link it to familiar stories '' uses vocab and forms of speech that are influenced by their experience of books'' and next steps could be to look at other books by the same author , or making your own book together ..

or heading out into the garden for an assault course using physical skills to go over / under/ through....

20-09-2012, 01:21 PM
Not sure I want to read bear hunt again :)

Love the going out into the garden idea, will def use that.

thanks :clapping: