View Full Version : Another one thinking she was losing the plot :-)

mandy moo
29-08-2012, 01:32 PM
Knock knock on the door this morning.
Opened the door a bit, as was still in my PJs,
And standing on the door step was a mindee and her SDad

Me; Oh wasnt expecting you today
SDad; Wasnt you?
me; Err, no.
Tommorow and Friday yes, not to day.

I started wondering if I had it wrong, I know I didnt, but I did wonder for a moment :eek:

SDad. Oh.

They have no family down here, He has to go to work, so I said well Im busy getting rest of my kids school uniform and stuff and food shopping, if you dont mind me dragging her round the shops and Tesco shes welcome to stay.
The relief on his face was comical to be honest

So didnt get to spend an hour or so on my own, childless, but a little extra money this month instead :thumbsup:

29-08-2012, 02:48 PM
ah ah ah ah ah if they saw me before dressed they'd be scared:laughing::laughing::laughing:

29-08-2012, 03:33 PM
ah ah ah ah ah if they saw me before dressed they'd be scared:laughing::laughing::laughing:

Me too :eek:. I refuse to open the door if I'm not "ready". Far too scary, they wouldn't even recognise me :laughing:


29-08-2012, 04:58 PM
It's nearly the weekend! :laughing:

29-08-2012, 08:49 PM
I ahd one turn up 5mins early today, its starting to become a habbit and the last mindee that did this ended up 30mins early each day so i ignored the door bell and carried on hoovering then decided to give in but told dad mindee could come in but would have to just read a book till I had done hovering as he was a bit early,, he looked a bit taken aback but agreed, think he got the hint today

29-08-2012, 08:52 PM
Hoover ... love it.

Definitely wish I could do this for my early mindee but she arrives after other mindees (which means they get less one on one time) :angry:

The Juggler
29-08-2012, 10:03 PM
i had a parent turn up 1/4 hour early today. I was still eating my breakfast - whcih I mentioned to which I was told 'well because I was off yesterday, i wanted to make sure I wasn't late today' :eek::panic:

30-08-2012, 07:50 AM
it only happened ONCE in 3years LOL

parents arrived i looked at them surprised, smiled (but not with the eyes)
me: did you wet the bed?
mum:"sorry we're a bit early" as she stepped in
me: "indeed" as i put my naked toddler on sofa, then walked upstairs, go and get my kids clothes, pull covers on beds, walked back downstairs, dress my children... all while she stood there with the lunch bag and child :D:D

I make it really clear before i start contract that i don't mind late drop off as long as it doesn't interfer with school run as i'm not waiting for anyone, I can forgive the odd late pick up when they let me know BUT EARLY DROP OFF ARE A BIG NONO!!!!!

it's all in the "don't mess with mess with me" stare when you say it :laughing::laughing::laughing:;)

30-08-2012, 08:25 AM
I had one that was always up to 15 mins early dropping off and 5 mins plus, late picking up I hinted each time with.... wow you're early.... was the traffic bad.. you know nice subtle little hints :rolleyes: but she didn't get it til I charged her for every single time on her monthly invoice..... she is a bit more careful now :eek:

I had a parent arrive yesterday with her 2 children but she only booked one in.... she said 'Oh it's ok for S to stay as well isn't it' .. I said, 'well no sorry, he wasn't booked in and I'm full' , while she stood there looking and thinking .... her son walked off started a fight then wet himself :eek::eek: she very quietly got his lunchbox, drinking cup, change of clothes and coat and walked humbly to the door.... I did feel sorry (I don't know why), but It goes to show that people take us for granted.