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View Full Version : child attending with sprained wrist?

21-08-2012, 06:46 AM
I've just been told my almost 2 yr old minded is going to the gp this morning as they suspect she has sprained her wrist over the weekend. They are going to drop her to me after the appointment. If she has spranied her wrist do I accept her as usual and be extra carefull with what she does or should she not attend? I'm sure it hopefully will be fine but I'm not sure what to say if its not! I have a 2.5 yr old, 4 yr old and 8 year old also, I wouldn't want her to hurt it further and not sure what's the done thing here! Thanks for any advice!

21-08-2012, 06:50 AM
My rule of thumb would be whether she can join in with the routines of the day. I think you will need to see what parents and gp say. If you decide to accept lo then make sure you document the existing injury and any medical advice given.

Miffy xx

21-08-2012, 07:04 AM
Thanks, I'm kind of thinking if parents are happy to leave her then she can't be too bad as they are very good and I know they wouldn't want to leave her if she was in pain or not happy. I had a search through the forum and one post said I should do a risk assesment of what extra things I will do to keep her from further injury, is this right? Also if its not sprained should I still do an existing injury form to he safe as she was still hurt? It happened at some point at home and not with me (i last had her on Thurs). Thanks again.

21-08-2012, 07:54 AM
I think I would still do an existing injury form if the injury was serious enough for parents to see the GP. It could still swell or start to hurt more later on then at least you can track this back to the original incident.

21-08-2012, 07:59 AM
I had a child with two broken legs. Amazingly she could still walk and join in. I did a risk assessment and made them sign to say existing injury. Only problem was outside play for other children but somehow it stayed really sunny each day LO was at mine and we could play out

21-08-2012, 08:26 AM
hope its not broken as if it was last week it has lingered on rather for a sprained wrist in a lo as they heal quickly.....