View Full Version : Pre-reg confused.....

12-07-2012, 01:20 PM
:eek: I followed a few links on the internet to apply to register it ended with being emailed from ofsted with a leaflet attached telling to look basically where id looked already. In the end i managed to download the application through my local government website, have filled it in and sent it back but i have no other paperwork and reading some of your posts theres a lot more than just the application???

Ive written most of my policies in preparation and sorted my contract based on what i will be charging etc.... so thats all good.
Im up to date on the house protection bits as ive got an 8 month old who is into opening cupboards and gazing curiously at the stairs so its child safe already, plus i only want to be insured to mind in the downstairs of my home.
I have an NVQ2 in Health and Social care but wasnt going to apply to do any courses until i knew exactly which one ofsted would recommend.
Ive done my first aid.

When should i expect to hear from anyone and what other paperwork could i do or should i have done?

Becky :huh:

12-07-2012, 03:57 PM
well in the registration pack there is a form for you, a form for anyone over 16 living or working in your house to fill in like a partner or child over 16, a health declaration form to send to your doctor and a "preparing for your pre-registration visit" booklet for you to fill in and use on your visit (all available from Ofsted) and a booklet about registering on the early years register and another one on registering on the childcare register. The two booklets outline what Ofsted require you to have to be registered. You also need to know the EYFS and how you will deliver it.

I went to a registration briefing ran by the local authority and that tells you the basics of how to become a childminder or there is a powerpoint presentation you can look at online i think. I then signed up to the common core of skills and knowlege course that went into the process in a lot more depth and covered what i needed to know to get through the process like the Early years foundation stage (EYFS). i think its a course you have to do currently within 6 months of registration but thats changing in September to before you register according to my inspector today. You need a copy of the statutory framework for the EYFS, development matters and the know how guild to the progress check at aged 2 (and the 2008 version of the EYFS for inspections before September)

My application was received on the 15th May and i had my visit today.

I had a whole load of paperwork - policies and procedures, risk assessments, fire plan, visitors book, planning framework, early years foundation stage ongoing assessment sheets, observations, next steps, all about me book, home contact book, a brochure about my service, permission forms, parents information about the EYFS, emergency contact cards and my NCMA toolkit (includes my medication and accidents folder), necesary safeguarding publications, RIDDOR, and i am sure there is more.

I put together a parent pack, a child's folder (for my own 3 year old) complete with observations and all the paperwork needed in a child's file), a safety folder (firedrills, visitors book, risk assessments etc), planning folder, activities folder, an Ofsted folder and a folder with all my letters from Ofsted, local authority, confirming courses etc)

I possibly (definitely) overdid it. but i wanted to fly through the inspection rather than scrape through.

I hope this is helpful and not patrionising. good luck!

13-07-2012, 07:14 AM
You need to find and speak to your local childminding coordinator... you can usually contact them via the children's centre.

If you don't have one then someone local will let you know about courses etc.

You cannot apply to Ofsted until you have completed your pre-registration training - this is a new requirement from Sept 2012 and being rolled out now.

Once you have attended a pre-registration briefing session... and completed your pre-reg training they will advise you about how and when to contact Ofsted.

I hope this helps :D