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View Full Version : Help...what to say to parents?

01-07-2012, 06:13 PM
I am currently going through pre-reg and getting very nervous about having meetings with prospective parents (not that I have had the call from Ofsted yet, just forward thinking!!)

So.... my worry is... At the moment I have not got any children, however it is something myself and husband would would like in the near future.
I don't know what to say to prospective parents when they ask 'when are you having children?' (this is something I personally would ask, checking to see if the minder would just go off on maternity after 5 minutes!!) I want to reassure them that when (if) we have a baby I wont be taking a long maternity leave (roughly 3 months, if that, providing all is well). I am hoping that when we do have a child that s/he will have to fit into the routine and wont know any different?! (or am i being really naive?)
I just dont want people to be put off coming to me because I do not have any children yet!?

Please help!?!?
Thanks Zoe :thumbsup:

01-07-2012, 06:29 PM
I can understand your concerns and that you want to allay clients concerns but frankly I think its none of their business and not something you need to share.

jumping j
01-07-2012, 07:57 PM
I'm waiting to hear about fertility treatment and haven't told my parents anything, it's nothing to do with them, a future boss isn't allowed to ask questions like that so I don't see why parents should be able to.
In my opinion it's need to know and they don't need to know, you might not even still be looking after their lo when/if you get pregnant.
If parents do ever ask I just smile and say I've been focusing on my career and children haven't come up yet.
It hasn't put any parents off so far

01-07-2012, 08:17 PM
Thank you very much :), we are in the same sort of predicament so obviously have no idea when or if it will ever happen!! I will keep on with the usual statement.... I like my sleep at the moment!! :laughing: thanks :thumbsup:

02-07-2012, 12:39 PM
...and when you do have your own, they question will be are you planning any more.....:rolleyes:

02-07-2012, 12:49 PM
i doubt anyone will ask tbh, i would just smile and say not yet;).

im thinking about ttc and wont be telling anyone anything till 24weeks+ if possible as i have a history of mc's and dont want to share anything, i also hope to only do school runs as its far to draining having a huge range of kids all the time.


02-07-2012, 12:53 PM
...and when you do have your own, they question will be are you planning any more.....:rolleyes:

...and when you have had more and are obviously too old to have any more, the question whether you've ever thought of fostering or adopting...:rolleyes:

02-07-2012, 10:03 PM
I was in this position but in the end it was two years before I conceived. I told parents when they asked that I was doing the job because I love children but loved my sleep more. They all were happy with this and now at 4months Preg they are all happy and making sure I am alright not to tired and offering to rearrange their work schedual to fit my midwife appointments lol.

Good luck ttc

03-07-2012, 06:55 AM
...and when you have had more and are obviously too old to have any more, the question whether you've ever thought of fostering or adopting...:rolleyes:

and when you are too old for that to be a possibility the question is "when are you thinking of retiring" :eek::laughing:

Miffy xx

03-07-2012, 07:00 AM
and when you are too old for that to be a possibility the question is "when are you thinking of retiring" :eek::laughing:

Miffy xx

The first person who asks me that will be leaving my house limping! :laughing:

03-07-2012, 07:23 AM
and when you are too old for that to be a possibility the question is "when are you thinking of retiring" :eek::laughing:

Miffy xx

Don't they ask you, not a granny yet then

03-07-2012, 08:19 AM
...and when you have had more and are obviously too old to have any more, the question whether you've ever thought of fostering or adopting...:rolleyes:

Oh Great, just been asked that! I thought it was because I was good with children:littleangel:.