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28-06-2012, 08:49 AM
I am so fed up with the weather

It is mid June - I have all the lights on - and due to thunder storm the CD player on VERY loud as one mindee really scared of storm.

My long awaited 'proper' holiday was wet and cold

When will get some nice weather I NEED SOME SUN

Penny :)

28-06-2012, 09:11 AM
I know the feeling Penny even more so as we have a leak in the kitchen when it rains in a certain direction and the roofer can't fit us in for another 3-4 weeks :panic:

It's so dark here it's no wonder all the children think it's sleep time :D

I'll hopefully be seeing the sun in a few weeks time but knowing my luck we'll have hurricanes :panic:

Carol xx

28-06-2012, 09:26 AM
It has been miserable, rained this morning, but the sun is out now, how long for we do not know? I was lucky and had a hot sunny week in Greece, but then came home and had to put the heating on in June and my husband did not moan, so he must of been cold.

Lets hope July has lots of sun:clapping:

28-06-2012, 09:52 AM
we playing outside, the rain came down hard and fast ... we came in ... my tuff tray had some mud in it ... now it is overflowing with muddy water :( it must have rained heavily for 1/2hr max, LO desperate to get back out ... just having snack, then out we go!

;) just checked ... yep, have a change for clothes for everyone!

28-06-2012, 10:40 AM
Its nice and sunny here at the moment but it is too hot and sticky. We need the storm to clear the air.

28-06-2012, 12:22 PM
Its nice and sunny here at the moment but it is too hot and sticky. We need the storm to clear the air.

Isn't it?!:(
and although we need a storm to clear the air could we please have it after the school run? Thank you!

28-06-2012, 12:27 PM
Isn't it?!:(
could we please have it after the school run?

Hear, hear, although Penny you have friends in very high places these days don't you? Couldn't you put in a quiet word?:laughing:

28-06-2012, 01:02 PM
Hear, hear, although Penny you have friends in very high places these days don't you? Couldn't you put in a quiet word?:laughing:

If I had such friends who could do something - believe me there is a lot that needs sorting here - weather, daughters, husband, paperwork, spring clean of house - oh and a holiday in the sun.

Still I always try to help - so will ask the question

How about

Dear Ofsted

As our regulatutory body - please can you regulate the weather.
For best outcomes we require more sun, less rain and def NO rain between 8am and 4pm due to the school runs and getting out and about with the minded children.

We require a sun and gentle wind at the weekends - both to ensure we get enough vitamin D - and to dry the washing so it is not hanging about the house when childminding.

Best Wishes


28-06-2012, 01:04 PM
Its not rained here yet but if it even tries to rain at 2.30pm I shall be having words :angry:

Ive got to be out walking for an hour with 4 under 5's and I shall not be a happy bunny if it pees down!!!!

28-06-2012, 01:25 PM
Penny, (trying to suppress a laugh) are you actually working today or not?
You have far too much time on your hands...my 13 month old mindee is chuckling too.:laughing:

28-06-2012, 01:43 PM
Penny, (trying to suppress a laugh) are you actually working today or not?
You have far too much time on your hands...my 13 month old mindee is chuckling too.:laughing:

Indeed I am working Nipper

Today twins aged 2.5 - potty training - so most of activity based round that!

I x 6m granddaughter - that the one twin likes to 'help with'

1 x 2 yr old - who today is not in the mood for sharing

1 x 8yr old grandson with additional needs - just counting my blessing that he is not too stressed as when he is he prefers to be a dog.

Activities - apart from potty training and demonstrations of how to share - are
'sizes' (Goldilocks theme - so 3 bears, bowls, spoons, compare bears)
'doors' (so puzzle and hanging house both with different tyopes of 'locks' )
block play - long term instest of all
Nee Naws - again long term interest of all
Helicopters - interest of one

Shape sticker pictures - ongoing development activities based on colour and shape (but of course now including sizes)

BUT my role is that of 'supervision and support' which I do mainly from chair by laptop - hence - time to think and time to type.

Penny :)

28-06-2012, 01:56 PM
You sound like my kinda childminder!