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View Full Version : Does your child go to a childminder ?

25-06-2012, 12:38 PM
As the title says ..Do any of you send your child/ren to a childminders ? I left working in a school nursery when I has my ds and started childminding so i could spend my days with him but I am thinking that a day or two away from me would benefit him and me , then I start to feel guilty for wanting to get rid of him :blush:
I would be interested in your thoughts/experiences
Thanks :)

25-06-2012, 12:40 PM
Not to a cm but they did go to playgroup whilst I was childminding - think it did everyone good :)

Miffy xx

25-06-2012, 12:40 PM

I have a friend who is also a CM and she sends her son to a nursery one day a week to give him a more varied experience. Her view is that it was good for him.

Hope that helps.

Sam x

25-06-2012, 12:42 PM
Not to a childminder but to pre-school 2 afternoons a week and it has done him and me so so good. Jamie has got some developmental problems also and pre-school has helped a lot for him to be able to enjoy other children!:)

25-06-2012, 12:46 PM
Same, here sent my youngest to a CM when I first started so she would get experience of older kids.

25-06-2012, 12:54 PM
No but my son went to pre-school in the moenings as I only minded children younger than him and I felt he would benefit from an environment that included children of his own age.

25-06-2012, 01:07 PM
Thanks for your replies :)
were they as yound as 2 ??

25-06-2012, 01:15 PM
I have my daughter down for a local playgroup waiting list for 1 morning a week. There are not that many around here and I would have liked to have started her sooner but looks like she'll start in September when she will be nearly 3.

My DH works weekends so we are together 24/7. She can be clingly when it comes to being around others and I am hoping nursery will help with this :)

25-06-2012, 01:31 PM
My girl went to creche at 2 for 3 days a week 9-12 then pre-school 9-12 5 days a week at 3

25-06-2012, 01:50 PM
With my first two I was working so they went to day nursery for 2 days a week, and later on my dd went to a cm and son went to after school club, all only part time when I was working. Then I started cming when my youngest was 18mths, she went to a short session for two year olds at a pre-school once a week for two terms before starting at the school nursery 5 mornings a week, did everybody the world of good! ;)

25-06-2012, 02:34 PM
My 3yo goes to the local Montessori pre-school 9hours (3 afternoons) a week, we just needed a break from eachother too!

25-06-2012, 04:24 PM
both my children went to nursery whilst i was minding, and if i had had different aged mindees when they were younger, i would have considered a minder for them, but i seemed always to have mindees of a similar age !

25-06-2012, 04:25 PM
I pay to send my just turned three daughter to nursery one day a week as we really need a break from each other and two of her good friends go there |:)

25-06-2012, 06:51 PM
When I was teaching my lder 2 went to a childminder, now I am minding, my 3rd who is 3 next month, is not going to a nursery or childminder, i have just taken her name off the list at the local school nursery. I am not sure if I will change my mind at some point, but I also intend to home ed her too, so that is a factor

25-06-2012, 06:57 PM
my dd goes to a pre-school 3 mornings a week, and has been since 2 and a half.

I wanted her to go as she had never experienced 'being left' iyswim, but it has been marvellous and done her the world of good, made her more outgoing and helped her language skills immensly!!!!

25-06-2012, 07:28 PM
My son has been going to pre-school since he was 2.5 (2 session) and having just turned 3 is increasing to 3 session & will definitely continue when I start CM. I'm really hoping to keep one of those sessions free to catch up on housework/paperwork but also think it would be good for any younger ones to have some time alone without my own son here (plus pre-school is a great place to meet prospective clients ;))

25-06-2012, 08:33 PM
I became a cm so I could be at home with my children. However my two both went to Playgroup when they were 2yrs 9mths (the earliest they could go then) for two mornings and built up to 4 mornings in the term before they went on to school nursery every afternoon.

25-06-2012, 09:31 PM
My DD went to another childminder for one school hours day a week, from 2y6m to 3y2m (2 terms). She then started nursery at 3y3m (term after she turned 3). I have been a CM since she was 19m.

A few years back, DS2 was at home with me till he started preschool at 2y7m. It took him 7 weeks to not scream the place down when I left him, and I didn't want to repeat this scenario with DD. I also wanted to her to play with other children, as she was very attached to a mindee.

DD loved the childminder the first term, but the 2nd term she struggled. There were no children there in the morning when she arrived (2 children arrived later after nursery session) and although I know she had a fab time (from the photos) she did guilt trip me.

Even now, as DD is in her final term at nursery, DD still hangs onto me when I drop her off at nursery. Sometimes she gives me a kiss and is off, but most times I need the staff's help to distract her.

26-06-2012, 05:55 AM
my youngest is 2 1/2yrs and is very very clingy. we thought it would do him good to go to playgroup 2 afternoons a week but after 8 weeks of hysterics and heartbreak (both of us) i have taken him out.

i really would like him to enjoy playgroup but not be forced away from me screaming my mummy has left me. i guess it was worse because i was leaving with my 2 mindee's.


26-06-2012, 11:51 AM
Thanks for your replies :)
were they as yound as 2 ??

Mine started nursery 2 mornings a week at 1. Then as she grew it ended up being every other morning and 1 full day until she started school last september. Come this september, she will be starting with RubyBubbles to allow me to be able to get my eldest to school as the schools start at the same time but are about 1/2 a mile apart. x