19-06-2012, 06:43 AM
Hi Everyone

A lovely morning here at the moment

What are your plans,are you busy?

Hope you all have a great day

Angel xx

19-06-2012, 06:51 AM
Morning Angel and everyone

At last it's warm here today!

It's one of my lo's birthday today so we will be celebrating that - waiting to see if mum brings cake, if not will have to bake one for tonight!

Have a lovely day

Miffy xx

19-06-2012, 07:02 AM
Morning all, lovely and sunny here too. Hope it lasts although rain on the way by Friday:(

2 today so off to soft play this morning then in the garden, they love laying outside so when it's nice we take advantage and just have loads of free play.

Chimps Childminding
19-06-2012, 07:02 AM
Feel like I've done a full day already :rolleyes: Up at 6 to take DH to work, then drop DS off at work, back for quick shower before 1st mindee arrives at 7.30 and all because Dh has got a new job (got laid off a few weeks ago) and I need the car to do school pick up this afternoon :rolleyes:

Not sure how many I've got today! 1 lo has gone down with chickenpox sometime since he was here last Thurs, but not exactly sure when, so don't know if he will turn up today! - will find out shortly!!

19-06-2012, 07:12 AM

Lovely and sunny here today, I feel a trip to the park coming on. We need to make the most of the nice weather as its due to rain again on Thursday.

I've got 3 little ones again today (1y, 2yr & 3yrs) plus my before and after schoolers (although they will be late back today as they have a school trip to Hampton Court and wont be back til 5pm).

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

19-06-2012, 07:15 AM

sunny here today again - thats 2 days in a row!:rolleyes:

DS has a school trip so is very excited.

Have 1 LO, 1 pre schooler and 1 schoolie so not too bad - got a slightly early finish yesterday - would be good to finish even earlier today - heres hoping:laughing:

Today going to the park after pre school drop off and then to the country store to get horse feed - mindee loves it:thumbsup:

19-06-2012, 07:16 AM
Morning all its beautiful and sunny here im sat in my pjs having a very rare day off as my lo's are both poorly, but my dd has a hospital apointment this morn and my dh was taking her i can now go as well, then later i may have a look at paper work or just watch t.v lol:laughing::laughing: enjoy your day

19-06-2012, 08:24 AM
lovely and sunny, but there is grey cloud hovering!

we're off to the childrens centre as haven't been for ages!

then just playing in the garden.


19-06-2012, 09:26 AM
Beautiful day but Im hiding indorrs as Im really suffering with my hayfever :(Luckily have no children and early finish after school :thumbsup: