View Full Version : Just starting out! What do I need?

09-06-2012, 10:15 PM
I am just going through the registration process :eek:! A very daunting time! I am more excited about setting up my play room than the idea of Ofsted coming to my house!! :clapping:

I need help with what essentials to buy before parents come and have a look around?! I have no children of my own ... yet!... so do not have anything!!:eek:

I have recently invested (or been given) a cot bed, travel cot, high chair, mini picnic bench and a few toys for babies (Have a selection of books too).

What are the other main essentials I would need before parents come around? Or do I say to them that I will be buying items when I know the ages and stages of the children I will be minding? I just want the room to look really inviting and ready, so parents jump at the chance to have me look after their babies!!

I am hoping to take children from 6 months + as well as before and after school children?!


Thanks Zoe :)

10-06-2012, 08:32 AM
What part of the country are you - Maybe there is childminders in your area that can advise you.

10-06-2012, 01:46 PM
From a parents point of view, I'd want to see a play room that's equipped and ready to go. Have you looked at the EYFS guidelines? I'd aim for some resources covering each area of development for the under 5's. The older ones you could buy as you need it as they won't be with you for very long hours, term time at least.

I'd scour charity shops and car boots for some good deals as you will need to buy a fair bit compared to those of us who already have children.

I'd stock up on mark making materials like pencils, crayons pens, chalks etc and paper. You might like to add paints, glue, collage materials, aprons etc.

Construction play - I have wooden blocks, with people and animals thrown in. My daughter was never really into construction so I do intend to add to this.

Role play- dressing up, role play props ie doctors kit, tea set, food, toy kitchen

Cars, garage, dolls house, small world toys, train set

Dolls, pram, dolls accessories,

Puzzles, games, plenty of books of all styles and story/music CDs.

Malleable materials - play dough, utensils, water play, sand, corn flour play

There's a few ideas, I'm sure there are plenty more. Just make sure you pick up some resources reinforcing equal opps!

10-06-2012, 07:58 PM
I would also like to see resources from a parent point of view but from a childminder/business point of view unless you have enough spare cash to buy it all before having any work, I would suggest you buy a minimal amount that covers different areas.

I would try and have it so that you can have the following areas set up cheaply but appealing - construction (could be literally some junk and tape with some photos laminated of different ideas of models), mark making (some different coloured papers and crayons), some sort of role play (maybe some soft animals, blankets, a white coat, syringes and spoon, a small pad and pencil and an old phone), books (you could get some from the library or pick up cheap from charity shops), play doh and cutters (you can make your own). You can always use a local toy library while you are getting set up too which will help you to see what the children may like.

Good luck. :thumbsup:

27-06-2012, 07:12 PM
Thank you so much, Its nice to hear a parents point of view!
It has taken me this long to find the post I had written!!

I have got lots of mark making bits and will have lots of playdough (easy to make). I will get dressing up items and role-play. Going to start sorting out the play room soon, we are having a utility room made and its currently being plastered, so the house is all upside down at the moment!!

Going to start bargain hunting!!

I am hoping Ofsted will come and visit soon (within the next 7 weeks) however I have a parents from school asking if i can look after their daughter in the holidays. How can I do this only being pre-reg? There anyway around that? Really hoping i will be registered by Sept?!?! eeekkk!!

01-07-2012, 01:13 PM
Hi Zoe, if you click on "quick links" a drop down menu appears, choose "subscriptions" and it will list all the threads you have commented on/started - easy to find your posts that way :thumbsup:

As for starting while you are pre reg - you can look after children up to a maximum of 2 hours a day or if they are over 8 or for free but bare in mind that you will not be insured. Maybe you could offer to "nanny" for them in their home? Otherwise I would wait til you are registered - annoying as that is it is better to do things the right way from the start. :)