View Full Version : Off to the Americam Embassy today!

08-06-2012, 08:51 AM
Charlotte's got an interview at the American Embassy for her student visa.

We aren't allowed in with her and it could take anything from 5 mins to 2 hours!!!!

She's not allowed to take her phone in so we have arranged to wait every hour on the hour near the Embassy until we get together.

The alternative is that she walks to Regent Street, goes to the Apple Store and emails me, lol!

She is soo nervous and worried about what questions she's going to be asked. She could be asked anything - one girl was asked what happens if you meet a guy and fall in love over there!! She's got to prove that she's going to come back to the UK, that she's got lots of ties here in the UK.

Please wish her luck

08-06-2012, 08:58 AM
Wishing you luck Charlotte:thumbsup:

08-06-2012, 09:22 AM
Good Luck Charlotte xxxx:thumbsup:

Ring me later and let me know how she gets on, will send her good vibes xxxx

08-06-2012, 09:30 AM
Ooooh how exciting!!!! (and very scary at the same time)

Hope all goes well:thumbsup:xxxx

08-06-2012, 10:16 AM
Good luck. I used to work at the millennium hotel across the square from the embassy. Does great food (for a price) well it did when Brian Turnner owned it I think it's changed hands since I worked there. Enjoy your day in London.

The Juggler
08-06-2012, 10:16 AM
ooh good luck to her :thumbsup:

08-06-2012, 01:12 PM
Good luck Charlotte! :)

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
08-06-2012, 02:04 PM
Good luck hope it is going well x

08-06-2012, 04:25 PM
Well, after all the worry and sorting out what paperwork Charlotte needs ie. bank statements, tax returns etc she was only asked 3 questions -

What College are you going to?
What other Uni's did you apply for in US?
Have you applied to any other Uni's in UK?

That's it and they approved her Visa, so she's going :clapping::clapping::crying::crying:

I am thrilled she's going, but I ain't half going to miss her!!

08-06-2012, 04:26 PM
Woohoo...glad it went ok!:thumbsup:

08-06-2012, 04:38 PM
Charlotte's got an interview at the American Embassy for her student visa.

We aren't allowed in with her and it could take anything from 5 mins to 2 hours!!!!

She's not allowed to take her phone in so we have arranged to wait every hour on the hour near the Embassy until we get together.

The alternative is that she walks to Regent Street, goes to the Apple Store and emails me, lol!

She is soo nervous and worried about what questions she's going to be asked. She could be asked anything - one girl was asked what happens if you meet a guy and fall in love over there!! She's got to prove that she's going to come back to the UK, that she's got lots of ties here in the UK.

Please wish her luck

She will be fine,
Sam has his interview on wednesday as he's going back to the US after splitting with his girlfriend ( she told him she didn't want him to go back this summer and like a fool he listened, they split up last week, he emailed the camp and he's going as soon as his visa is approved) he will be there until the end of September again when he goes back to uni for his third year.

08-06-2012, 04:40 PM
Ooh just read that she's got it approved. Well done Charlotte. There is always Skype which is a great way to keep in touch we used it a lot when Sam was away last year. Now I have an iPad and he has an iPhone we can face time too

Chimps Childminding
08-06-2012, 04:42 PM
Well done Charlotte :clapping: Hope she has a brilliant time!!!