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22-05-2012, 07:06 PM
Please keep your fingers crossed for me

We have been interviewing over and over in the last few months and people keep choosing "someone else" - lots of good positive feedback though

Today we interviewed a lady, who wants her child in a full time space (only the second full time enquiry in the last 5 years) and I feel that it went really well

She was asking all the right questions, asked about bringing her partner for a visit, etc etc, but we have been here before and then had a phone call saying they have decided on someone else (another family that is, not this lady) so I am not holding my breath, but it would be great to have the space filled - that would be the final space that was "made" when hubby registered as my assistant

She wants to start in the first week of July, if she chooses us


22-05-2012, 07:16 PM
Good luck I hope they get in touch soon.
I've had the same thing today, saw a lovely family to replace one of my girls leaving in September, really liked the family and the little boy was adorable. Keep your fingers crossed for me too.

22-05-2012, 07:54 PM
Fingers crossed for both of you! :D

22-05-2012, 07:56 PM
Fingers crossed and good luck Helcatt and AliceK:thumbsup:x

23-05-2012, 10:31 PM
Some small progress, I don't normally meet parents at the weekend, but have suggested a "quick coffee" on saturday morning, to meet the babys Dad, after Mum asked for a second visit

So, not in the bag, by any means, but this is the first person to ask for a second visit/meet the other parent, in a very long time, so think we could be on to a winner

And the way that she worded her text and email also hints that its all positive

If this comes off, I won't be so worried about the holiday we booked for the summer, have paid for flights but not accommodation and we still need to eat and keep girls busy.....

Fingers crossed for you too AliceK

24-05-2012, 06:54 AM
Sounds very positive Helcatt, will keep my fingers crossed :thumbsup:

Alicek - hope yours works out too! :)

Miffy xx

24-05-2012, 08:48 AM
Hey Helcatt I hope you don't tell them you User name! :laughing::laughing:

24-05-2012, 09:03 AM
Good luck :thumbsup:

27-05-2012, 06:46 PM
Hey Helcatt I hope you don't tell them you User name! :laughing::laughing:

It usually gets laughter but wonder if it could put people off.....

We met them on saturday and the bloke seemed really happy, we got on well and know we could work well with them

Their worry is the distance. They haven't found anyone they like nearer to home, hence looking at us, we are on their way to work, but they are not sure how it will work out

I had a text in the evening yesterday saying that they really like us, but are going to do a trial run in rush hour tomorrow to see how it goes and then they will let us know on Tuesday. We are seriously considering offering letting them the use our parking bay, to see if that helps. And if it means a full timer.........


27-05-2012, 08:59 PM
It usually gets laughter but wonder if it could put people off.....

We met them on saturday and the bloke seemed really happy, we got on well and know we could work well with them

Their worry is the distance. They haven't found anyone they like nearer to home, hence looking at us, we are on their way to work, but they are not sure how it will work out

I had a text in the evening yesterday saying that they really like us, but are going to do a trial run in rush hour tomorrow to see how it goes and then they will let us know on Tuesday. We are seriously considering offering letting them the use our parking bay, to see if that helps. And if it means a full timer.........


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, hopefully the journey will be ok for them.
The parents I saw want to use me. Got to speak to them in Ulf next couple of days to see how many days they need. I'm so happy they are a lovely family x

27-05-2012, 09:08 PM
Fingers Crossed.

27-05-2012, 09:12 PM
It usually gets laughter but wonder if it could put people off.....

We met them on saturday and the bloke seemed really happy, we got on well and know we could work well with them

Their worry is the distance. They haven't found anyone they like nearer to home, hence looking at us, we are on their way to work, but they are not sure how it will work out

I had a text in the evening yesterday saying that they really like us, but are going to do a trial run in rush hour tomorrow to see how it goes and then they will let us know on Tuesday. We are seriously considering offering letting them the use our parking bay, to see if that helps. And if it means a full timer.........


hope it works out for you. i used to have a LO ... they lived 40 mins away and i was about 10 mins away from mums work, she liked having that extra time (in the car) with LO ( apart from when she forgot to come off the motorway at my junction and had to come back when she got to work and thought she was early and realsied she still had babe in the car !!! :laughing: ) she liked the area i lived in so much, that they ended up moving down the road !!! :D had LO ( and sibling ) for over 5 years!

27-05-2012, 09:59 PM
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, hopefully the journey will be ok for them.
The parents I saw want to use me. Got to speak to them in Ulf next couple of days to see how many days they need. I'm so happy they are a lovely family x

Well done! :jump for joy:

Hellcats - fingers still crossed for you xx

Miffy xx

30-05-2012, 10:31 PM
AliceK - so glad its worked out for you

I have heard nothing, so can only assume that they won't be coming our way.

I had a couple of messages on monday, firstly letting me know that they didn't do the journey trial as little lad was ill - fair enough, I say

Then later in the evening, a message checking holiday dates and asking what the cost would be if we did 8-6 instead of the 9-5.30 we had talked about

That was monday and nothing since

maybe I am jumping the gun, but I think they would have said by now if they wanted to use us, I made it clear there was someone else being interviewed this week (only wants two days a week) so need to know

I also thought that they would have let me know either way, so veer between being upset that they chose not to use us and were too rude to say so (normal for people, I know, just expected more from them) and hope that as they have not said no, they might still be planning to use us, just sorting fine print their end

I should be used to this by now, why am I surprised and am sure there will be plenty more people interested by september

Vent over, normal service shall resume