View Full Version : What have you done this weekend?

20-05-2012, 03:17 PM
We have had a busy one.
James took part in his first dance comp - a ballet solo. I am so proud that he actually done it (this is the child who still clung on to me and refused to go into school by himself at the start of year 2 this year). He didn't get place and he look absolutely terrified and he got upset afterwards and had a bit of a sulk but he tried so hard and I couldn't be prouder!

and today we have had a lie in - yay first time in ages.... and then we went out on the quads. James took his first tumble (gosh a weekend of firsts for him) but thats not bad going for riding for 3 years. he got a bit clever on the big track and his bike spat him of! He is fine, bit battered and bruised but fine.

And now i am busy cleaning and tidying up and cooking dinner.

what I should have been doing..... my sef and paperwork - updating LJ's and doing some planning.... but hey ho...:D

The Juggler
20-05-2012, 03:24 PM
bout time you had a lie in missus. Well done James - how proud you must be - I love that he does ballet. How's you en pointe going?

I've had a lazy weekend. feeling crappy so have taken it easy. our friends from Canada are still living with us with their doggy and can't find anywhere to rent - unfurnished that will take doggy too so they are busy looking and getting stressed. They thought it would be quick but after 4 weeks they've found no where. Fortunatley they are so lovely it is no hassle having 4 adults and 2 kids in one house but I think Bella will want her room back soon, she's been so good and not made a fuss yet.

just off to cook a roast now I've finished my banking/invoices, good job I checked am missing a payment of £400! :thumbsup:

Your SEF can wait ;)

20-05-2012, 03:28 PM
bout time you had a lie in missus. Well done James - how proud you must be - I love that he does ballet. How's you en pointe going?

I've had a lazy weekend. feeling crappy so have taken it easy. our friends from Canada are still living with us with their doggy and can't find anywhere to rent - unfurnished that will take doggy too so they are busy looking and getting stressed. They thought it would be quick but after 4 weeks they've found no where. Fortunatley they are so lovely it is no hassle having 4 adults and 2 kids in one house but I think Bella will want her room back soon, she's been so good and not made a fuss yet.

just off to cook a roast now I've finished my banking/invoices, good job I checked am missing a payment of £400! :thumbsup:

Your SEF can wait ;)

sounds manic and that is a really good thing you are doing having your friend plus dog to stop. :clapping: I know its can test even the best of relationships!

thank goodness you found the missing payment - that would be enough to make me want to boil my head! lol

at least nothing has broken this weekend (last weekend my ceramic hob shattered and midweek my washer went up the swannie)

the pointe work is coming along, my toe is just about back to rights so I can get back up properly without it being agony but the ankle is a bit wobbly from lack of strength.... getting there though!:D

20-05-2012, 03:39 PM
Yesterday I have to drive 70 miles to my tutorial in Basingstoke, then on route home I decided to pay homage to the meatballs at Ikea and then spent an obscene amount on wicker baskets and trofast shelves. Then bought mindee a present and came home and resorted all my dining room with new baskets and shelves. Day ended with wine when I finally finished tittervating at 8.30pm

Today I woke and carried on sorting resources, paperwork including letters to them in grey suits about deregulation, then finally sat down and did 5 hours of study. Now I am going to have to attack my outbuilding - because it looks like a tip. The consolation is that I have some wine left and that will make it all better lol!

Though just realised today is the 20th - so better do my invoices before I break out the wine :laughing:

20-05-2012, 04:05 PM
I worked yesterday and today!! lovely little 6 month old no trouble at all. In fact i gor a lot of work done while she was asleep. :thumbsup:

Went to the Canal Festival this afternoon and treated myself to a Banana and maple syrup Crepe. Yummmmmy :clapping:

20-05-2012, 04:06 PM
Yesterday I have to drive 70 miles to my tutorial in Basingstoke, then on route home I decided to pay homage to the meatballs at Ikea and then spent an obscene amount on wicker baskets and trofast shelves. Then bought mindee a present and came home and resorted all my dining room with new baskets and shelves. Day ended with wine when I finally finished tittervating at 8.30pm

Today I woke and carried on sorting resources, paperwork including letters to them in grey suits about deregulation, then finally sat down and did 5 hours of study. Now I am going to have to attack my outbuilding - because it looks like a tip. The consolation is that I have some wine left and that will make it all better lol!

Though just realised today is the 20th - so better do my invoices before I break out the wine :laughing:

oooh bad move just 'popping' into Ikea for ONE thing.. it can't be done - its one of those impossible things to do, like licking your own elbow!

And oooohh, didn't realise it was the 20th either.... best think about some invoicing myself! :D

Sounds like you have had a productive one UF and that the wine is well deserved

20-05-2012, 04:16 PM
Just got back in from watching a couple renew their wedding vows and celebrate their 30th anniversary.

Feeling stuffed now, after eating too much cake at the party afterwards, will pay the price at weigh-in tomorrow night no doubt:o

Plan was to catch up on planning paperwork this evening, but can't see it happening. Wonder if I can get up early enough in the morning to get it done:joker:

20-05-2012, 04:22 PM
oooh bad move just 'popping' into Ikea for ONE thing.. it can't be done - its one of those impossible things to do, like licking your own elbow!

And oooohh, didn't realise it was the 20th either.... best think about some invoicing myself! :D

Sounds like you have had a productive one UF and that the wine is well deserved

actually I went in with a shopping list and actually stuck to the list - for the first time in history!! :laughing: though I nearly didn't when I saw a gazebo - and only didn't buy it because I couldn't find it lol!

20-05-2012, 04:35 PM

I started my dairy free diet this weekend - it's not going well :( nuff said.

Yesterday I had a duvet day apart from a spurt of energy when I updated my id cards.
Watched Sherlock Holmes movie on tv as all males were down the pub watching the match.

Today I taught the under 5's at junior Church , went shopping with my mum and ate a delicious roast dinner.

Sat on sofa now listing all the things I should be doing and not actually doing any of them.

The Juggler
20-05-2012, 04:50 PM
at least nothing has broken this weekend (last weekend my ceramic hob shattered and midweek my washer went up the swannie)

always a plus :clapping::clapping:

don't forget I want photos when you are back en pointe and I want to come to your first recital please ;):p

uf, 70 miles to a tutorial you are bonkers but the trip to ikea must have been worth it!

have a lovely evening everyone. Pippy it really is soooo nice to have you back xx

20-05-2012, 04:54 PM
have a lovely evening everyone. Pippy it really is soooo nice to have you back xx

thank you Jugs:blush: - its lovely to be back and dipping my toes in the water. I am surprised anyone missed my innane chatter!! lol

I will have to see if I can post some pix of me en-pointe (me with banana feet)

UF - :clapping: well done for sticking to the shopping list
Twinks - sounds like a lovely lazy weekend....:thumbsup: I do that too... makes lists of what I need to do, rather than do it! lol Its the thought that counts isn't it hehehehehehe

Nell - that sounds lovely, people reaffirming their love for each - that is what this world needs more of:D (might get the OH to marry me one day:D)

20-05-2012, 04:55 PM
Been a taxi to the kids as usual on a Saturday! Had a very happy hubby with the football last night too!

Not much today. Lie in, tidy up, washing, seeing a friend for her birthday & currently lying in bed catching up on soap! :D


20-05-2012, 05:03 PM
My banana feet - this is what i am battling!!!:rolleyes: I need to go and get the vamp (the front part) built up so it 'contains' and supports my feet better, otherwise I overbalance and my legs are overcompensating and I get 'swayback'. I'm just WAY to old for this lol



20-05-2012, 05:28 PM
Are those your feet? (in the voice pof Father Jack!!)

well..... i have packed and tidied ready for ibiza tomorrow - plus worked sat and sun with my granddaughter who is teething and has been v. hard work.

on the plus side i have also had my first lay in since before arla was born as she slept until 9.30am!! :D

20-05-2012, 05:39 PM
Pipsqueak my dd has been on pointes now for about 2 months - makes my feet scream in agony just to see her. So looking forward to the show this year to see her dance on them :thumbsup: So Im really impressed that anyone can do it.

Yesterday was spent being taxi (dh drives I just collect) for the said dd.

My youngest dd is still recovering from a bout of tonsillitus - poor thing she seems to pick everything up - think her immune must still be low from earlier in the year.

Today was food shopping and then eldest dd was performing as a local football stadium where they were doing a charity match.

We are all now chilling watching hercules :thumbsup:

20-05-2012, 05:41 PM
yep they are my bendy feet kindred!!!:D

some quadding pix of the kids practising:




My boys:

20-05-2012, 05:43 PM
Pipsqueak my dd has been on pointes now for about 2 months - makes my feet scream in agony just to see her. So looking forward to the show this year to see her dance on them :thumbsup: So Im really impressed that anyone can do it.

Yesterday was spent being taxi (dh drives I just collect) for the said dd.

My youngest dd is still recovering from a bout of tonsillitus - poor thing she seems to pick everything up - think her immune must still be low from earlier in the year.

Today was food shopping and then eldest dd was performing as a local football stadium where they were doing a charity match.

We are all now chilling watching hercules :thumbsup:

I am sure her dance teacher is encouraging her but make sure she does her daily strengthing exercises such as doming, picking up a pencil with her toes 'air-drawing' the alphabet with feet- lowerand upper case

and treat her toes with surgical spirits

Tell her I feeeeeeeeeeeeeel her pain :D

20-05-2012, 05:50 PM
I am sure her dance teacher is encouraging her but make sure she does her daily strengthing exercises such as doming, picking up a pencil with her toes 'air-drawing' the alphabet with feet- lowerand upper case

and treat her toes with surgical spirits

Tell her I feeeeeeeeeeeeeel her pain :D

She is always practising if not ballet then tap drives me nuts sometimes :)

But she loves it and that all that matters :thumbsup:

20-05-2012, 05:51 PM
We had friends girl over for a sleepover on friday - they finally fell asleep at 12:45am!

Was at a CM conference during the day saturday and played Lego star wars in the evening with hubby

Today, lovely lunch with friends in the pub, made bread with the girls this afternoon and while the dough was rising, we made shapes with marzipan

I need a rest

what I should have been doing..... my sef and paperwork - updating LJ's and doing some planning.... but hey ho...:D

But this is what I should be doing and will be doing in the evenings that I don't get a swim this week


20-05-2012, 06:13 PM
She is always practising if not ballet then tap drives me nuts sometimes :)

But she loves it and that all that matters :thumbsup:

ahh you see I am not that into tap (although I go to class with middle son), never have been.

good for her for always practising, i wish I had more time to practise and get stronger and I could keep up with the younguns once again (although they are all so kind to me!:rolleyes:) - its soooo much harder once you are older (and heavier), you don't 'loose' it but you are more 'aware' shall we say lol

20-05-2012, 06:35 PM
Well I did my weekly shop yesterday at Sainsbury's, got to the till, put everything through only to find that I'd left my debit card at home 12 miles away!! had to go all the way home and then all the way back to pay :blush:

Today I've done agility training with my labrador then a trip to Go Outdoors with my youngest to get the bits she needs for her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition next weekend.

and inbetween all of that I've made 5 lots of bunting for my other business!

20-05-2012, 06:37 PM
ahh you see I am not that into tap (although I go to class with middle son), never have been.

good for her for always practising, i wish I had more time to practise and get stronger and I could keep up with the younguns once again (although they are all so kind to me!:rolleyes:) - its soooo much harder once you are older (and heavier), you don't 'loose' it but you are more 'aware' shall we say lol

Me I admire (jealous) of anyone who can go up on pointes/dance etc.

I did always think that I didnt want her to go on them because of the damage you can do to your feet but it seemed daft after 8 years of ballet not to let her.

Dh nearly had an heart attack at the price though of the pointes though :laughing::laughing:

20-05-2012, 06:40 PM
Me I admire (jealous) of anyone who can go up on pointes/dance etc.

I did always think that I didnt want her to go on them because of the damage you can do to your feet but it seemed daft after 8 years of ballet not to let her.

Dh nearly had an heart attack at the price though of the pointes though :laughing::laughing:

I know, i would have fallen over if I hadn't been sitting down when I bought mine... the last time I had pointes my mummy and daddy were paying! lol

Sounds like a natural progression for her to go up if she has been dancing all that time.. a good teacher would never allow a student to go up if they weren't able or ready.
dancing ruins your feet - period.... not just the pointes!

20-05-2012, 06:46 PM
where did the weekend go?

dh took the children out on sat so i could get on with paperwork ... got everything except 2011/12 accounts done! i remembered to do my invoices ;)

sat afternoon i baked ... and my meringues didn't work :(

sat evening we went out with friends to a jazz concert to listen to a phenomenal saxophonist and his band.

today i got up and made more meringues :rolleyes: went to church, came home & took meringues out of oven! phew ok! we went to friends for a BBQ ...(with meringues :D) very nice and we even sat outside most of the afternoon :) then it was a bit of a rush back as i had choral evensong at church ( i sing in the choir ) and i got there with less than a minute to spare!

now home again, and about to make some cookies using all the left over eggyolks from making meringues, and also need to sort out uniform etc for school and maybe think about this week!

and this was meant to be a QUIET weekend after 2 weekends with visitors ! :rolleyes:

20-05-2012, 06:49 PM
I know, i would have fallen over if I hadn't been sitting down when I bought mine... the last time I had pointes my mummy and daddy were paying! lol

Sounds like a natural progression for her to go up if she has been dancing all that time.. a good teacher would never allow a student to go up if they weren't able or ready.
dancing ruins your feet - period.... not just the pointes!

Yes got to admit our teacher had them doing ankle exercises etc to strengthen long before she even told us to buy pointes. A few of her friends at different dancing schools were put on them and then had to stop because ankles werent strong enough (either pushy parents of teachers).

Dancing isnt the cheapest of hobbies two costumes to but by early June for the show and several more to go. But I cant wait to see eldest dd dance on pointes and my little baby dd to dance on stage for the first time. Even if dh thinks she is too young to dance on stage :)

20-05-2012, 06:53 PM
what have I done all weekend....procrastinated :blush: I seem to have this down to a fine art now!

Went to a 16th birthday party last night for one of my dd's friends, that was nice to catch up with a few people.

stll............there is always next weekend :D

20-05-2012, 06:55 PM
I took my brownies to mother shiptons cave yesderday, the girls had a good time but it was freezing cold

Baby say my grandaughter last night and then had the family for dinner tonight they have left about an hour ago and i am now sitting with my feet up.

20-05-2012, 07:21 PM
Took my DD to a craft workshop yesterday where she used a sewing machine to make a headband. She's only 6. I thought they were just going to do a bit of hand sewing. We then went for lunch as I needed a bit of mother-daughter time to try and get to the bottom of some bad behaviour that happened at school this week :( . Didn't work or else I'm missing something:huh:

Went shopping to day to buy a sand/water table... thought my DS was going to explode with excitement... couldn't get in the garden quick enough.

Roast dinner at tea time. Think I should cook roast for every meal. It's the only one where they eat loads without any complaints, especially as I've now accepted I can not get my DD to eat her meat!

Now I should be planning but am on here instead. Gonna have an early night as I'm not sleeping to well so need to try and get as much as possible.

karen m
20-05-2012, 07:31 PM
Well normally have 3 lo on a Saturday but Friday morning one parent says lo going his dads,Friday evening (6.45)other parent says lo not comming her elder brother has moved home so she spending time with him,3 lo is my grandson and his mum had a days holiday so was off,so i was on the motorway to Scotland to see hubby at 7.30 Friday night and got home tonight at 7,

20-05-2012, 07:35 PM
Yes got to admit our teacher had them doing ankle exercises etc to strengthen long before she even told us to buy pointes. A few of her friends at different dancing schools were put on them and then had to stop because ankles werent strong enough (either pushy parents of teachers).

Dancing isnt the cheapest of hobbies two costumes to but by early June for the show and several more to go. But I cant wait to see eldest dd dance on pointes and my little baby dd to dance on stage for the first time. Even if dh thinks she is too young to dance on stage :)

you'll have to post pix of her dancing en-pointe and in full costume!

The Juggler
20-05-2012, 07:48 PM
Are those your feet? (in the voice pof Father Jack!!)

well..... i have packed and tidied ready for ibiza tomorrow - plus worked sat and sun with my granddaughter who is teething and has been v. hard work.

on the plus side i have also had my first lay in since before arla was born as she slept until 9.30am!! :D

ibiza - lucky you! how long for? Pippy amazing photos - that looks soooooo ouchy I can't imagine. go you :clapping:

20-05-2012, 09:01 PM
Going for a week... and its forecast to be around 24 degrees!! :clapping::clapping: i wish we were going for longer but hey ho! :D

21-05-2012, 06:51 AM
Saturday Rose had swimming then a birthday party so was mummy taxi. Yesterday did the weekly shop, had lunch then went for a walk along the seafront and then icecream. Not too busy.

21-05-2012, 01:46 PM
We have had a busy one.
James took part in his first dance comp - a ballet solo. I am so proud that he actually done it (this is the child who still clung on to me and refused to go into school by himself at the start of year 2 this year). He didn't get place and he look absolutely terrified and he got upset afterwards and had a bit of a sulk but he tried so hard and I couldn't be prouder!

and today we have had a lie in - yay first time in ages.... and then we went out on the quads. James took his first tumble (gosh a weekend of firsts for him) but thats not bad going for riding for 3 years. he got a bit clever on the big track and his bike spat him of! He is fine, bit battered and bruised but fine.

And now i am busy cleaning and tidying up and cooking dinner.

what I should have been doing..... my sef and paperwork - updating LJ's and doing some planning.... but hey ho...:D

Sounds like a busy weekend lol. But tons of fun :thumbsup:

Cameron went to his Nans on Saturday night and she took him to the fair so DH and I only had Caiden on Sunday.

We took him to a really nice park, he was having a fab time until he climbed the ladders too close behind and got a foot to the face he came over crying "Don't like the park no more, it's silly I want to go home" We took him to McDonalds instead ;)

Then I get a call from MIL about 20 minutes before Camerons bedtime "Em don't know how to tell you this... Your son doesn't want to come home!" lol... that's ok I drop his uniform off you can take him to school tomorrow :laughing: :thumbsup:

21-05-2012, 02:12 PM
We had DDs 18th birthday party on Saturday. All went well not too loud and raucous! probably due to the fact she does not drink and asked her friends not to either :) well, she said if they are real friends they will hold off for a few hours:thumbsup:

Her internet friend came down from Lancashire and stayed for the weekend. An 18yr old lad who she has been chatting to online for a while now. He is now her boyfriend officially :eek: really sweet actually - her first love:) now someone tell me long distance love can work?!

Her best weekend ever and so I was happy too. Shattered today though