View Full Version : Level 3 - SCH 34 - Duty of care - HELP

09-05-2012, 07:59 AM
Good morning lovely ladies.

I have just started my level 3 with Parenta after the college I was using was messing about with unit dates etc. I had completed the CYPOP 5 with them last year and hope y new trainer will let me use that coursework .....

Annyway not to waffle too much I have a very tight deadline to complete the level 3 with this new trainer in order to get funding and as such have received my first assessment and usually it has a 10 day deadline but I go away on holiday on Monday and so it leaves me 3 days to complete it. ( of which i work full time 7am - 6.30pm ) then have my own family of 3 children and a husband to look after ....

So although the unit isnt a hard unit as such I was just after some quick pointers , references or suggestions on the following questions in order to minimise my research time and maximise the amount of time I actually spend writing it all out.

Many thanks in advance to anyone that helps.

1) What it means to have a Duty of care as a childminder
2) How duty of care contributes to safeguarding or protection of individuals
3) Write a description of potential conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individuals rights
4)How to manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individuals rights and the duty of care
5) where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas
6) Write a description of how to deal with complaints ( this will just be my complaints procedure ?)
7) Write an explanation of the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints

Now obviously I aready have off the top of my head some answers for all of the above questions but just wanted other peoples thoughts in case I have missed something or not thought of something.


09-05-2012, 08:57 AM

For point 3 I used conflicts between eyfs states that children should learn to assess risk's through play ie climbing steps etc, however you may have a parent who does not want their chid to be involved in things that seem to old for them.

I also used health protection agency states for chicken pox a certain exclusion period and this is part of the EYFS in that we must try to control outbreaks of infection, however some parents may want their child exposed to chickenpox or they may withhold information for us that their child has chickenpox. The parent may not be happy with exclusion as they have no other childcare options.

Other issues is right of confidentiality in that we must not share information with other parties, however I the case of safeguarding procedures than we must share if we have any concerns.

I then detailed about another 5 conflicts, ut not sure how many would be needed.

For question 4 I talked about this is why we have policies and follow guidance from EYFS and other such departments

For question 5 I mentioned things such as training, local support teams, HPA, Ofsted, and other useful websites which back up research for EYFS. Etc

For question 6 this is how you deal with a complaint interms of listening, suggesting it is written etc

for question 7 this is your complaints policy and procedure as set out by Ofsted.

If I am ever stuck on a question I read the unit summary in my folder, and then look at the unit content which breaks down what each of your answers should mention. do you have a folder with the units broken down?

Hope this helps

09-05-2012, 10:11 AM
Thanks hun - no i dont - I am wondering if i can access it somewhere on line ? I will have a look now. ps thanks for your reply there were 1-2 points i hadnt thought about that i shall now consider. x

09-05-2012, 12:56 PM
Hia, if you type your question into google usually a website called Silkysteps comes up and will help you and point you in the right direction.