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View Full Version : Seriously hacked off :(

01-05-2012, 12:39 PM

I am sure some of you have read my previous posts for advice for fussy/picky eaters (one of my mindees)....

Well this morning, I asked all the children (reception, year one and year 2) if they had everything (something we do every morning, and gives them the independance that the school requires). They all answered YES! So got to school to find one of them had forgotten their reading folder (school bag). Just happens to be the mindee that is causing me issues at the moment. I got home and took his reading folder up to school. When i returned I opened the contact book (left a message in there, as again last night he was rude and refused to eat any dinner) there was a message from mum saying no problem. She is having same issues at home. However, he has asked if mum could let me know not to buy orange juice with bits and he doesnt like them!! He requires the smooth variety! (Normally this is the sort I buy, total mistake when i got home and realised). Anyway, the LO in question, normally has apple juice. I informed all the children of my mistake and gave them the option of the orange juice or something else. He still chose the orange juice but is making out to mum yet again im making him eat and drink things he doesnt like :(

This goes hand in hand with mum always arriving 15 mins late in the mornings and 30 mins late in the evenings despite constant reminders of picking up time.

I look after a sibling of the LO, and as she is waking 2/3 times during the night, ive been told to drop the morning sleep, but this is having a worse effect on the LO during the day. Refusing to play, eat, drink as she is so tired.

I really am at my wits end and dont know what to do......whilst writing this ive received a text, saying that they dont require me tomorrow but thursday instead despite contract saying mon-weds. beginning to feel more and more like their personal nanny! :(

Any suggestions :(

01-05-2012, 12:43 PM
Reply back with "I'm sorry, I am only contracted to provide your child with care on Monday - Wednesday and am not available on Thursday" OR "I can provide childcare on Thursday this week but, as this is not a contracted day, this will be subject to the extra hourly charge of ... Wednesday will be charged as normal, whether you use it or not."

Write back under mum's note in the book that the child was offered apple juice but CHOSE to drink the orange juice, knowing it had bits in it.

01-05-2012, 12:45 PM
oh dear :(

first of all, i think you need to contact mum ( not text ) and say sorry, you are not available on thursday. ( you may well be, but to make the point that YOU are in charge! ) ask her if she would like to have a contract review and change her hours as she appears to need different hours now. if she says no, then say you will be charging for late drop off and collection.

sorry, no advice on the fussy eating. maybe say to mum in a light tone ' i know he doesn't like orange juice with bits in, thats why i was surprised that he asked for it instead of apple juice he usually has ' ( in my house its milk or water ;) )

look up some info about needing enough daytime sleep to sleep well at night, i know there have been some threads on the forum about it.

good luck xx

01-05-2012, 12:46 PM
Time to put your foot down I think! I would remind mum of contracted hours/days to start with and then apply late collection fees if it carries on. I tend not to listen to parents asking me not to let LO sleep, if I feel they need it during the day, I let them sleep! :D
As for the eating issue, they get 2 choices of snacks/drinks after school and if they dont want either then they dont have it. Im beginning to toughen up after being messed about myself for months.

01-05-2012, 12:48 PM
Reply back with "I'm sorry, I am only contracted to provide your child with care on Monday - Wednesday and am not available on Thursday" OR "I can provide childcare on Thursday this week but, as this is not a contracted day, this will be subject to the extra hourly charge of ... Wednesday will be charged as normal, whether you use it or not."

Write back under mum's note in the book that the child was offered apple juice but CHOSE to drink the orange juice.

This is what I would do too. I wouldn't work the Thursday under those circumstances - if they require an additional day then they need to request it in advance not tell you! Unbelievable. :rolleyes:

01-05-2012, 12:49 PM
Im beginning to toughen up after being messed about myself for months.


That's what I like to hear! LOL

01-05-2012, 12:56 PM
Just a quick note to say a huge thank you!! :) when my other half called at lunch not even he could put a smile on my face! You guys have so ta!

Ive decided as I am not in the mood for confontation today with the 6 year old, they can all have beans on toast for dinner (last night we had homemade chicken pie, boiled pots and mixed veg) and I will go back to milk or water (mum told me orange or apple juice as apparently he doesnt like milk or water!!) and its TOUGH!

You guys are right, MY BUSINESS MY HOME MY RULES!! Obviously, not charging in like a bull in a china shop, diplomatic, but it was getting to the point where I am just about to give notice as im fed up of being treated in this way!

The Juggler
01-05-2012, 01:05 PM
Reply back with "I'm sorry, I am only contracted to provide your child with care on Monday - Wednesday and am not available on Thursday" OR "I can provide childcare on Thursday this week but, as this is not a contracted day, this will be subject to the extra hourly charge of ... Wednesday will be charged as normal, whether you use it or not."

Write back under mum's note in the book that the child was offered apple juice but CHOSE to drink the orange juice, knowing it had bits in it.

I agree with this. and I think I would make sure I don't have a space on Thursday AND charge for Wed.:thumbsup:

01-05-2012, 01:17 PM
So so tempted! :)

I agree with this. and I think I would make sure I don't have a space on Thursday AND charge for Wed.:thumbsup:

01-05-2012, 01:25 PM
What if you had plans on the Thursday? They can't keep chopping and changing like this. I require at least a week's notice unless it's an emergency and then it depends on my numbers.

01-05-2012, 01:41 PM

I am sure some of you have read my previous posts for advice for fussy/picky eaters (one of my mindees)....

I sympathise with you, i have one of those too. I wrote a thread on here last week as it really got on my nerves too. I told mum i wasnt cooking for him again as he wasnt eating it and also i dont get paid for it so today i thought she would bring him a packed lunch.
She turned round and said to me thismorning i havent brought him anything, thought we would try again. How rude! so now i have to give him nuggets or something which isnt exactly healthy but he wont eat anything else. Ime never going to offer anything again for free. I too have toughened up and wont let anybody take the P x

01-05-2012, 01:57 PM
You guys are right, MY BUSINESS MY HOME MY RULES!! Obviously, not charging in like a bull in a china shop, diplomatic, but it was getting to the point where I am just about to give notice as im fed up of being treated in this way!

Well done you! I think it's time you became a little less 'available' and surer of yourself. I've been minding for 6.5 years now and used to get myself in all sorts of situations where i felt i was being taken advantage of and i would get really cross with myself and moan and moan to my husband (poor thing!).
Anyway i had a real PITA parent last year and the last straw came when they told me they had a day off to collect their new car and i would be dropping them to the garage to collect it. My mouth hit the floor and i replied that i couldn't as i would be working and their was no way i could take the mindees on a 2.5 hour round trip! They argued that of course i could as i would be working on their time with their child!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek I replied that i was working with their child and 2 others and i'm sure they wouldn't like it if it was the other way around. Anyway i won that one and thankfully they moved soon after and didn't require me anymore:clapping::clapping:

After that experience i decided no one would treat me that way again. I've got fabulous parents and kids at the moment and excellent working relationships. I think it's mainly due to me saying no now and again and being more confident in my self. I'm never rude but if i'm asked to do something i don't want to do i normally say 'i need to check my diary and get back to you' This gives me a chance to make a desicion without feeling pressure to immediately agree to things i will later regret. It's hard but trust me i feel GREAT!:jump for joy::jump for joy:

01-05-2012, 04:35 PM
Reply back with "I'm sorry, I am only contracted to provide your child with care on Monday - Wednesday and am not available on Thursday" OR "I can provide childcare on Thursday this week but, as this is not a contracted day, this will be subject to the extra hourly charge of ... Wednesday will be charged as normal, whether you use it or not."

Write back under mum's note in the book that the child was offered apple juice but CHOSE to drink the orange juice, knowing it had bits in it.

100% agree.

If she has not asked in advance if swapping days would be ok, then you have to charge her for the Thursday, should you choose to work it, otherwise she will just keep doing it and assume that you are ok with it!

Good luck x