View Full Version : MONDAY ..... HAPPY ST GEORGE'S DAY

23-04-2012, 06:19 AM
Morning Everyone

Hope you all had a good weekend, it flew by again

Happy birthday to my Grandson Kyle today :clapping:

Weather looking a bit grim here today, a wet start boo.

What are you all doing today?

Have a good day everyone

Angel xx

23-04-2012, 06:27 AM
i was going to do a egg box dragon as craft with little ones and have tea and scones for snacks with biggen BUT
turn out that only 1 of my big kids like scones with raisin which i bought so need to get some plain ones.
and after having waited days to go to blood test so i would have only one child, after her nap so in good mood i was turned away friday as they can actually decised when to stopaccepting more people. because in england the time the closing time is the time they're going home not the latest time you can arrive!!!:mad: I arrived 25min before closing time proud of my organisation skills!!!!
so this St george i'm going to be queueing for hours with 3under 3... the blast!!!!!:(
will take books :(

23-04-2012, 06:38 AM
Morning Angel Good to see you hope you are all well today.

It is a lovely sunny morning here but with the amount of rain we have had over the weekend I think out potatoes have drowned :( I see a rescue operation happening today!

I have two older ones now and will take them to school and then one little one from 9am all day and the older ones after school.

Will have some St Georges Day bits ready for them later. 7am is too early :laughing:

Have a good day everyone.

23-04-2012, 07:11 AM
Morning all

Lovely day here -so far:rolleyes:

I dont start until 11.30 today :thumbsup: as parent wants to take the kids to school today as she needs to talk to the teacher.
So im going to take my own DS to school on his own today:clapping:and spend a bit of time with my horse:thumbsup:

Going to do some crafty things with my 4yo after pre school and i have new jigsaw puzzles - he loves puzzles!!

as usual no idea when i finish as dad sometimes picks up very early:Dso i quite like this Monday:D

23-04-2012, 07:12 AM
Morning :)

I have a day off today :clapping: so I'm dragging myself into town to do all the shopping for our holiday that needs doing, also need to get birthday presents for various people. Hoping to get it all done today and that'll be that :D

Have a good one :)

23-04-2012, 07:28 AM
Morning all, sunny and dry here today so hoping to get some washing onn the line.

1 mindee all day then 3 afterschoolies. Off to playgroup this morning, then play and sleep this afternoon. Afterschoolies will probably want to go in the garden later.

Enjoy this sunny day everyone.

23-04-2012, 07:28 AM
Good morning all

its sunny here at the moment although I doubt it will last looking at the clouds,
i have 2 littlys today and we are off to argos later to get the alphabet giant foam mats to make a carpet for the play room then we should have another minder coming over for lunch and a play, if we get time we will do some st georges pictures.

23-04-2012, 08:54 AM
Im really getting fed up of returning from the school run dripping! Blooming awful weather here - again! And I got hit by lightning yesterday - well the house not me! but it did kill the phone line and house alarm - so facing a £400 bill:(
Once we have dried out we are going to bake a chocolate cake , and have ncma local meeting tonight which Im looking forward to.
have a good day all - and happy birthday Kyle x

23-04-2012, 10:08 AM
Happy Birthday Kyle :)

I have an unexpected day off as DS is poorly sick in bed - we've both been awake on and off since 2.30am :panic:

I felt like poo all day yesterday so this is a chance to catch up on what I should have done then....................or I could waste away the day on t'internet :rolleyes:

23-04-2012, 10:18 AM

I have a 12mnth old and a 7 week old here today. It usualy works well, but the 12mth old has decided he doesn't like the baby and has spent the morning screaming :rolleyes: Luckily they've both gone to sleep - my ears need the rest!

23-04-2012, 11:40 AM
had my usual morning in school, but have to go back in an hour or so to collect DD to go andhave ears syringed, so hopefully she can hear a bit better! then hopefully she will cheer up :rolleyes: i understand that she can't hear very well, but she has been the grumpiest creature ever the last few weeks!

as usual i have a pile of paperwork to do, but have got sidetracked by the forum ... i was just looking whilst something printed out :blush:

23-04-2012, 12:58 PM
We have read the story of George and the dragon, coloured in some George and the dragon printouts and we have made a wooden spoon dragon. :D

23-04-2012, 02:06 PM
[QUOTE=loocyloo;1088442]had my usual morning in school, but have to go back in an hour or so to collect DD to go andhave ears syringed, so hopefully she can hear a bit better! then hopefully she will cheer up :rolleyes: i understand that she can't hear very well, but she has been the grumpiest creature ever the last few weeks!


YUERGHHH! dd has had her ears syringed now ... bless her, no wonder she couldn't hear! what looked like a couple of sugar puffs came out of each ear! :eek: ( i did ask her if she had put sugar puffs in her ear LOL! )

when my brother was little, he told my mum that there was something up his nose and he couldn't blow it ... eventually she took him to the dr and once there he said '' it feels like a ball bearing '' ... guess what he had put up his nose :laughing:

23-04-2012, 06:48 PM
What a rotten day weatherwise today, got soaked 3 times on school runs. This date last year was boiling hot and my dd's wedding day.