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View Full Version : will finally have my graded inspection next week!!!

16-04-2012, 05:24 PM
i have been nagging and nagging at ofsted since missing there call to do my inspection while i was on holiday last september (they didnt even try to call my mobile) and finally i got a call this morning to say they will be here mon/tues or wed next week! I have been registered since last april so have been getting fed up with not being able to tell people my grade when they ask! Now i cant wait for it to be over!!! Any tips? what will they need to see? i sent all my learning journals home over easter so desperatly hoping i get them back asap!
i have a folder with all my policies etc in, will double check all my permission forms are all signed. Do i need to show planning for everyday or can i just show them plans i have in place? i do rough plans of what i want to do but prefer to go child led so if they dont want to do something on a certain day then it just gets done another day!

16-04-2012, 05:30 PM
I'd ask all your parents to bring back the lj's this week so you have them to show Ofsted.

As far as planning is concerned Ofsted will want to see that you know where a child is developmentally when they start with you (starting points) and how you help them to progress so that's what your plans should show - your ideas for helping them move on.

Good luck for next week

Miffy xx

16-04-2012, 05:48 PM
thank you, i do spider graph type things with activity ideas and then link them to how they are helping the child etc, will that be ok/make sense?