View Full Version : Activities risk assessments

15-04-2012, 11:09 AM
I have done general risk assessments for things like painting, sticking, play dough etc. but this has got me thinking now, what about an activity like dancing?
Should I include things like this? I'm thinking of slips/trips/falling over, banging into each other/furniture etc?

15-04-2012, 11:36 AM
I have an RA for "activities at the table" that covers, scissors, hama beads, other small craft stuff etc.
I have one for my playroom too. The risk is the "floor area" ie toys left out-trip hazard. Blocking fire exits-play away from the doorways.
Childred are taught to clear away the toys they are not playing with and if they want to dance around, reminded that my playroom isn't that big and to be careful...and that's what's on my RA too :thumbsup: