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01-06-2008, 01:11 PM
one of my mindees has chickenpox she phoned me to day.. said he had it on friday ph nhd and was told it is five days to keep him off when the scaps appear its not contagious is this right when should i have him back on parent family i want get payed because she doesnt work she doesnt get payed..


veronica:laughing: :laughing:

01-06-2008, 01:55 PM
The child will no longer be contagious once all the spots have crusted over - it's hard to say exactly as the spots don't all appear in one go - you'll have to discuss with mum

Sorry you won't get paid:(

miffy xx

01-06-2008, 02:36 PM
The child will no longer be contagious once all the spots have crusted over
Yes, that's exactly what my doctor told me when I had chickenpox in April. My son caught it too and then the baby I mind.

01-06-2008, 02:59 PM
My son has chickenpox at the min and i am still open i left it up to the parents to decide if they wanted to send them or not i know your in a different situation as me as it is a mindee sorry im not much help am i..

01-06-2008, 05:22 PM
Can I ask why you wont get paid ?

Angel xx

01-06-2008, 05:41 PM
im sorry he has chickenpox :( but im thinking here like angel as to why you dont get paid ? surley you have a contract dont you that states if the child does not attend then you still need to pay ( to resere the place ) ifucwim

01-06-2008, 08:45 PM
i know put if she is not at work and not getting money coming in how can she pay me..


01-06-2008, 08:59 PM
I didn't charge my parents when me & my son had chickenpox.

The doctor said there was no reason the minded kids should be kept away as it was best to catch it when you're young. However, the parents chose to keep them at home. I can understand their decision as who'd want to willingly put their kids through pain if it could be avoided? I just didn't feel right about charging. It's down to individual choice and whether the parents are rich or not :laughing:

02-06-2008, 08:30 AM
I am confused haha

I thought it was one of the children that you mind who had the chicken pox ?
If so dont you still charge parents when children are absent for whatever reason?
Why should you not get paid ?

Bubbly I can well understand you because it was you that was ill so I would not charge for that either

I do charge when their children are ill though

Angel xx

02-06-2008, 08:35 AM
veronica i understand your point that she doesn't get paid if she doesn't work but surely that isn't your problem
your space is available for her son therefore you are technically available to work. she HAS to keep her son home on health grounds therefore she still needs to pay you.

we mustn't start making the families financial problems ours too, or we'd all be doing it for the love of the children#

it's definately a down side of our job the fact that we get emotionally involved with our families

02-06-2008, 08:48 AM
Yes, I would charge too if it's the minded children who are ill.

Michelle M
15-06-2008, 09:27 AM
I have a mindee who had some spots last week, Mum took him to the pharmasist and she said it was insect bites, however dad phones me this morning to tell me it is chikenpox afterall!! Just changed my 15 month old daughter and she has spots :( I said its ok to bring the child to me though as the other parents are fine with it, they want their children to get it. Looks like I am in fo a fun week :)

15-06-2008, 10:50 AM
I know we are saying about accepting children with chicken pox but what if we come down with it or our partners - it can be very uncomfortable for us and can come out as Shingles (nasty). Shingles is when you have had (or carry the virus) chickenpox and the virus gets "reawakened".


sorry to be a harbinger of doom everyone.:rolleyes:

15-06-2008, 11:44 AM
i know put if she is not at work and not getting money coming in how can she pay me..


Veronica you cant possible run a business based on an emotional decision like that!!

If the child is sick then they still have to pay after all if you come down sick the parents wont feel bad about you not getting paid.

I don't think i have heard of a nursery/nanny or childminder that doesn't have this policy so dont feel bad you cannot control sickness!!

15-06-2008, 11:47 AM
I know we are saying about accepting children with chicken pox but what if we come down with it or our partners - it can be very uncomfortable for us and can come out as Shingles (nasty). Shingles is when you have had (or carry the virus) chickenpox and the virus gets "reawakened".


sorry to be a harbinger of doom everyone.:rolleyes:##

To add to this also i was told that you should never accept a chicken with chicken pox because of the spread of infection regardless of whether the other parents dont mind and would rather there children caught it. It is not responsible to knowingly expose any children to a contagious illness especially if it can lead to health complications.

I checked it out because one of my children had it but all the parents wanted to send their children so they could get it. I contacted ofsted and was told i wasn't allowed to because of these reasons and the same would apply if it was a mindee

I would SERIOUSLY advise any of you who are taking children on with chicken pox to speak to ofsted and your public liability insurer to check out how you would be covered by going against the exclusion policy.

15-06-2008, 12:31 PM
Veronica you cant possible run a business based on an emotional decision like that!!

If the child is sick then they still have to pay after all if you come down sick the parents wont feel bad about you not getting paid.

I don't think i have heard of a nursery/nanny or childminder that doesn't have this policy so dont feel bad you cannot control sickness!!

I will agree with you there. Its not your fault the child is sick, you still need paying

Tily Bud
15-06-2008, 12:40 PM
I agree if they dont send their child for any reason eg. illness or holiday they should still pay as you are open and available as usual :)

15-06-2008, 12:41 PM
Also If you have a child with chicken pox & have to go out or do the school run then you are putting other people at risk, ie vunerable children or pregnant women, so then you would have to stay in & be unable to pop the shop for some milk or whatever you may need for minding.

And for being nice & not charging for sickness, when my son was at nursery I had to pay when he was off sick & I also didn't get paid from work, but thats how it is. If you state in your contract that you charge for sickness, then do it, it's not your fault the child is ill.

Michelle M
15-06-2008, 01:44 PM
I still have to go to School to collect my older daughter so will have to take my 15 month old with her spots. I thought the children were contagious 21 days before the spots came out? the other child has had the spots for a week now so its a bit late now. :(