View Full Version : Policies

14-04-2012, 07:47 AM
Good morning all

I was wondering how often you review your p&ps and do you give parents the reviewed copies each time or just offer them? Mine were due a little while ago :blush: and I don't think there are many, if any changes at all but I do have pita parents who scrutinise everything

I would be grateful to see what you do :)

14-04-2012, 08:23 AM
I was new like you last year, and I had all my policies ready for the 1 st April 2011, with a annual review date of 1st April 2012.

I actually had about 8 changes I made to policies as I felt that I had to very clear about my setting and what I would or would not do. So for example I extended my sleeping baby policy to also add that I will not withhold a sleep from a tired child nor will I wake one hour after per the table in a government document in regards to how much sleep children under 4 need.

I extended my sickness policy as per another thread I started on her to specifically specify when a child could not attend.

I also added a new policy to make it very clear what fees are and how holiday and such things work.

A few other policies I just tweaked.

I highlighted all the changes in red and emailed the whole packs to parents and hand give them a letter with a place for their signature against each policy that had changed.

If there had been no changes, or I was just adding a new one I would send home in the daily diary a letter saying policies reviewed, no changes next review date x, and get them to sign. Or if a new policy print out 2 copies one for them to add to their policy pack and one to give back to say signed and read and understood.

14-04-2012, 08:30 AM
Within my first year of minding I updated my policies based on my new found experience and gave everyone copies etc....

14-04-2012, 09:51 AM
I try and check mine on the review date :) which is yearly, depending on when it was written
If it needs changing, I change it and give the parents a copy and ask them to sign to say they have received an up to date copy.
If there are no changes I just write on it, no changes and sign it. At least it shows ofsted that they've been checked. :D

14-04-2012, 11:49 AM
I do the same a Debbie.

23-04-2012, 12:50 PM
Mine are now an 11 page document :blush:, which has grown and evolved over the years.

I used to review it every 6 months but it was always overdue and such a long process. So this is what I do now.

Parents are given a copy of my policies on signing a contract. It is now one policy per page (so now more than 11 pages!). I the review two to three a month and if there are changes then the parents get a copy. They then have to pull out the old policy and file the new one. I have version controlled the documents and parents sign to say they have received the latest one. It means I'm not swamped and each policy is reveiwed, at least once a year. If there has been a issue or guidence has changed then as always they get looked at before the 12 months.