- EYFS - have your say!
- EYFS Training
- EYFS Training Day
- EYFS standards
- How does everyone carry their emergency info?
- EYFS planning for babies
- EYFS planning page
- More EYFS reading!
- ICT in EYFS??!!
- EYFS - Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- EYFS - Communication, Language and Literacy
- EYFS - Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
- EYFS - Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- EYFS - Physical Development
- EYFS - Creative Development
- Thank you for your messages regarding the EYFS
- EYFS pack???
- EYFS Statutory Framework
- EYFS assessment for final year
- eyfs- card inserts available now
- new web page
- petition against the EYFS at Downing Str.
- eyfs WILL be happening!
- EYFS Profile Booklet Profile
- Planning
- And you think we've got problems!
- Activities
- Can anybody help??
- Statutory guidance update
- Interesting magazine article
- Photographs as evidence
- Implementing EYFS
- Did EYFS training today
- Link
- EYFS paperwork
- Managed to get on training
- EYFS - opening the folder!
- Started eyfs stuff this week
- help finding a tread
- Childminders and schools
- wanting to ban eyfs
- EYFS training - TAMWORTH
- Continuous Provision???
- Help with observation wording.
- First bit of EYFS training...
- b23 or eyfs
- phoned for eyfs pack
- Inclusion
- Abbreviations?
- EYFS or B23?
- EYFS for own children?
- EYFS Diary - Parental contribution Poem -Your help and opinions please
- am i on the right lines for obs??
- EYFS training
- The standards, what are they now?
- Hi everyone..... HELP!!!!
- EYFS Planning
- when a mindee attends pre school
- Great site for eyfs
- ECM - achieving economic well-being
- This explains it really well
- Planning
- For your information
- Teachers TV
- EYFS vs b23
- planning for a young baby!!
- Visitors Log Book
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Has anybody noticed the slight descrepency in ratios?
- How to get your head around EYFS?
- eyfs obs sheets?
- Training session on sat.
- EYFS or Bto3?
- Sheets or book?
- Obs
- i know theres other stuff ,but minds a blank
- Observations
- Over 5's
- Don't panic all !!
- Self-reflection
- Diaries and obsrvations for over 8
- my heads just exploded.... eyfs stat framework
- Planning timescale
- EYFS is not as bad as i thought!!
- What is EYFS?
- EYFS and Themes
- obs files
- School hols
- Progression Charts
- eyfs cd rom
- how often do you do your obs?
- Help please
- EYFS Training day
- EYFS training done - planning
- Is there a checlist for developmental areas?
- update-obs and assesmnet
- What are you all planning to do for your planning, assessments and obs?
- The All about me sheets on cd rom...?
- eyf babies
- Does anyone know?
- EYFS Updated copy
- Why does this all sound like a foreign language?
- eyfs training
- Visitors book
- Next steps help please
- emergency consent forms
- eyfs ready made books
- eyfs update
- Training
- Under 5's Website
- BIG PROBLEM Child Ratios p.51 - Ofsted now say
- Received EYFS Framework !
- Obs and Data Protection
- Planning
- Medication and the consent form - how to word?
- Another Q...
- Changes to EYFS
- Observations - how to get started ??
- Active Learning book from NCMA
- eyf last day
- eyfs what fee stuff
- Eyfs sill question
- Changes to EYFS May 2008
- Sharing with other settings?
- Feeling overwhelmed again!
- eyfs more courses
- Policies...nat standards/EYFS
- eyfs courses??
- Planning sheets
- Good Info
- Obs now making sense.
- am i behind???
- Newspaper article
- EYFS follow on course
- EYFS ratios from September
- school making a move to help
- Teachers TV EYFS programme
- EYFS Article
- Resources for topics.. where do you store them?
- I need an inset day !!
- good practice in caring for young children with special needs
- Planning
- EYFS policies
- Paperwork
- EYFS training
- What paperwork do you do...?
- EYFS Exemtions
- course at Bansted
- Inclusion Development Programme
- Confused..........
- EYFS - not all that bad?????
- Working with schools?
- NCMA advice for EYFS
- EYFS Taining - what did you think?
- help with what to write under certain sections of my meduim term plan....
- Autumn - knowledge, understanding of the world
- Self Evaluation Form
- occasional mindees
- how do you find time
- Observations
- what to start with?
- Welfare Requirements
- Still had no training for guidance notes
- How exciting!
- what do I DO?
- ebooks
- Long and Medium planning
- Can we give teething gel under EYFS?
- perents poster/complaints poster
- have i got it right
- Those of you with assistants
- Teachers Tv - early years week next week
- are you ready for your inspection book oh no
- training
- SEF Q again!
- Playpens & EYFS
- Planning Help..please
- Exemptions/Opting out of EYFS
- eyfs petition
- EYFS and medication
- National standards policies into EYFS?
- AArrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!
- Courses
- planning-what to record?
- EYFS Help!!
- Diaries - how often to fill in?
- EYFS packs on Ebay
- Plannning
- Abit confused
- EYFS Planning for a 16 month old - worried and confused!
- Well ............ what a shame !!
- just dont get it
- Risk Assessment-how often
- risk assements
- planning for over 5's??
- SEF - see if this helps!
- Is your head spinning with all the talk about the EYFS ?
- eyfs learning goals
- Communication with other early years settings
- Does anybody know???
- symbols for 6 areas?
- Websites for labels and signs and instuction posters?
- Anyone having problems logging in to the sef
- You might understand this
- SEF and Guide to EYFS inspections from Sarah
- arrrggghhhhh obs
- Cat among the pigeons!
- EYS - 4 or 5
- Obs and assesment
- Its taken all weekend but I'm happy now
- Advice on contacting Nursery
- SEF???????????
- oh bless ofsted
- Up date on contacting nursery
- recieved my EYFS pack.
- Where do I put this then?
- Help with planning please :-(
- childrens record book
- what do we do with the obs
- Gobsmacked
- planning??????
- Have i got everything?
- sorry another eyfs question
- Cant believe i've left it this late lol
- Open Eye letter to the Times newspaper
- EYFS Ratios confirmation - rising 5s - letter from Ofsted!
- what ofsted will be looking for!
- What do you think of this?
- sef ratings
- Preparing for the EYFS - All about me profile
- Linking with the EYFS
- Making an EYFS Reference Folder
- where can i get
- Free Resources for the EYFS