- Clarifications for 'independent' childminders
- Do you want to remain 'independent'?..read on
- Welcome to your new section of the forum!
- Let Govt know that you want info about independence
- Finding out more about what it will mean to stay independent
- NEW website to support independent childminders
- Independence & New Guidelines
- Local databases of CMs
- Contracts for Independent Childminders
- What do we call ourselves?
- Improving web / search engine hits
- Tell us what you want on Website!
- Agency FAQs
- New pinned threads popping up
- Is Childminding right for me?
- New adult moving in
- Thinking of becoming childminder
- Independent Childminders and training
- For Simona
- pacey name badges
- Helping new primary school starters settle...
- Childminders and agencies - the story so far...
- A little rant from an increasingly fed up independent childminder
- Supporting all
- northamptonshire childminders?
- Best links for parent info
- New childminder
- Posters and Literature to share about Saying No to Agencies
- New independent childminders blog
- Independent childminders info and guidance
- Concerns over future level of funding for 2 year olds
- Wider reforms scrutinised after ratio Uturn
- Sharon Hodgson questions Truss on those interested in agencies
- DfE 2 year old case study report...please read
- Ofsted inspections threaten the 2 year old offer
- DfE interested in engaging with nurseries on costs...
- 'Unseen children' Wilshaw speech and pLA response (20 June)
- Labour looks at employers for childcare
- Wilshaw wants review of EY assessmnet
- Truss speech at NDNA conference ...please read
- Ofsted latest inspection statistics (Jan-March 13)...and PLA response
- UKCMA...that elusive meeting with govt??
- C&F Bill debate.... Pacey evidence live (26 June)
- Spending Review 2015
- Early Childhood Action: an interesting conference
- LAs becoming agencies?
- PLA challenge Ofsted over inspections
- UKCMA feedback on their meeting with Lord Storey
- LA's own Networks and agencies
- A week of meetings and action
- Meeting with children centre
- Govt sidelining development matters
- 2 year old funding in the news
- Membership & insurance options
- Ofsted new guidance on Childcare Register (1 July)
- Latest from @HomeChildcare
- Advice on starting
- PLA press release on agencies ...please read (3 july)
- PLA responds to Wilshaw about changes in EY assessment
- PLA have requested information under the FoI regarding the CCommission
- Agencies debate by the House of Lords (2 July)
- PLA criticise plans to pass cms agencies costs to parents (3 July)
- Forming an Independent Network
- Ofsted: strong leadership is key to being ready for school
- Parents could be charged to use an agency
- Nurseries adopt 'no kissing' policy
- Parliamentary questions on agencies...please read
- Parents left in limbo by childminding blunder
- Independent childminders and business management
- Graham Stuart of education select committee
- Advertising leaflet for independent cms!
- Should nursery children be formally tested? Vote now
- IPPR survey: cms overwhelmingly against agencies
- IPPR: should Clegg take another stand?
- Letter from Truss to the LAs
- Childcare Commission...they search it here ..they search it there!
- Childcare qualifications overhaul
- Calling Childminders!
- Gove primary curriculum abolishes chldhood
- Under 5s need more time to play...
- Govt ignores call to have more focus on play in new Qualifications
- Gove scraps right for 4 year olds to be in full time education
- Family and Childcare Trust Holiday care survey
- Home Childcarer reports on the conference on the future of EY
- New Before and after school care plans expected
- DfE survey on parents' views on childcare
- more affordable childcare?!
- DfE new consultation on 'Regulation of Childcare'
- Schools to offer sleepover to help parents
- Oh no
- 'The cost of childcare' by Prof Penn and Prof Lloyd is finally published
- PLA broadly welcome More affordable childcare
- More reaction to More affordable childcare
- Will Truss replace Gove?
- Parents forced to double spend on teachers' gifts
- DfE Guidance for LAs is published
- Should childcare be provided in schools
- Voice The Union respond to More Affordable Childcare
- Important message about 2,3 and 4 year old funding
- Let the Govt know what you think about childminder agencies
- LATEST update on funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds (23 July)
- PLA raises questions on numbers interested in cms agencies
- Gove end of term report by Stephen Twigg
- More Affordable Childcare...don't think so!!
- DfE: Evidence to inform the Childcare Commission
- Parents believe ratios in graduate led settings are too high
- Survey: what does 'school ready' mean to teachers?
- Northamptonshire Childminders - reply from council re: funding
- Accreditation for cms: what does it mean?
- Nurseries get legal help for inspections complaints
- In support of cms: You are not alone!
- PLA free training for members
- Professionals reject DfE plans to simplify staff management
- Peer to peer programme boosts EY practice
- This article is shocking...
- Ofsted, new culture of fear...good blog
- Childminder defies the nappy curriculum
- Another consultation: schools and EY finances
- Baby boom will see massive shortage of 'free childcare' places
- Ofsted responds to Good Provision for all consultation
- Building the case for 'universal childcare'
- Ofsted announces tougher inspections for EY
- PLA responds to 'tougher inspections'
- Nearly 100 organizations show interest in agencies
- PLA concerned about unfairness of Ofsted inspections
- Truss' letter to LAs about 2 year old funding
- IMPORTANT: Guidance for inspectors of EY settings
- Would you be put off by a young childminder?
- New tax free childcare: another small Uturn?
- @HomeChildcare: feedback from their cms event
- PLA responds to govt 'tax free childcare'
- June's blog on current Ofsted strategy
- @home childcare releases costs on website to get their on-going support
- Registration visit !!
- Should mothers work or stay at home? by Polly Toynbee
- Neil Leitch PLA CEO argues against agencies
- @Home Childcare additional clarification on costs to cms
- A chance to listen to Truss
- Clegg is calling for nurseries to open longer hours
- NDNA meets Ofsted over inspection concerns
- Pilot Agency
- IPPR report: Ofsted are making poor childcare jugments
- 2,3 & 4 year old funding
- Inspections triggered by complaints or safeguarding issues
- PLI: is your LA asking for a higher level of cover?
- IPPR report backs inspection concerns
- Dear Mr Clegg...
- Ministers demand action to overturn nursery 'cuddle ban'
- Nurseries take concerns over inspections to Ofsted
- Truss: Shaping More Affordable Childcare (Nursery World)
- funded early years places
- Is your LA still imposing conditions to draw funding? DfE response here
- Consultation: Greater flexibility for change of use
- Should Pacey or PLA seek to meet with Ofsted over inspections?
- Summary of the response to the consultation on LAs
- Are the Lib Dem in favour of agencies?
- #Ofsted big conversation
- What information should a contract have?
- @Home Childcare answers a question from CMs
- What should be done about rising childcare costs?
- Important for all cms: Ofsted new culture of fear and why it is dangerous
- PLA requests Ofsted data on inspection outcomes
- A reply from the Dept of Ed.
- Ha Ha typical!!
- Getting... and staying organised... tips for independent childminders
- HELP: Are you now able to access funding for 2,3 and 4 year olds?
- Wrap around care trials: message from NDNA
- Pacey: agencies..a flawed model on cost and quality
- Nursery World editor: stand firm against agencies
- petition: Gove urged to introduce signing in settings
- Will EY get a new Minister?
- Birmingham Serious Case Review: poor management.. LA and Ofsted fail
- Taking childminder concerns to Ofsted
- EYFS to be reviewed
- Help us to help you...
- 2 Sept 2013: is this a new chapter in childminding history?
- Press release by Nick Clegg
- Responce from DfE from my letter regarding issues with Funding
- "Independant" on new contracts?
- @Home Childcare explain what 'blended' childcare is all about
- Childcare can help drive the economy... agree BUT
- Children 'already 2 years behind at start of school'
- September is here!
- 4 Children Sue Robb talks about agencies...please read
- Ofsted inspection feedback
- DfE reply...and it is not a standard letter
- LAs contract to draw funding
- PLA raises concerns over downgrading of CCentres
- Enterprise Rockers...for independent childminders
- NEYTCO...a new organisation
- London conference
- LAs and pilot agencies
- PLA slams Ofsted over Children Centres inspections
- NWorld: letters to the editor...Truss writes on agencies
- DfE new DM Non statutory guidance for inspectors and providers
- New plans could make it easier to buy nursery premises
- June O'Sullivan is tired of govt 'slagging off nurseries'....please read
- need advice on holidays
- Providers warn they cannot sudsidise Clegg's childcare plans
- Exclusive: put your questions directly to E Truss via NWorld
- @Home Childcare...their costs
- Need advice on how to speak o parent about unruly child
- The govt should stop intervening in early education (The Telegraph)
- Petition to the DfE: Stop inappropriate policy in EY
- New EY groups unites over later school start
- E Truss: if we care about poorest children, education must start early
- Reply from department of education about hourly rate paid for funded places......
- E Truss on Newsnight tonight
- Please help. Struggling with knowing whay to do
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Parliamentary questions to E Truss (Sept)
- Why is Ofsted lashing out against primary schools?
- Are they breaking the law
- Need constitition for bank account
- Change the law to protect vulnerable children...please read and sign
- Clegg calls for an extension to the Free Entitlement
- Childhood and education: theorists
- Should the Pupil Premium be extended to EY settings?
- childminder agency trial
- How can we help you to stay independent?
- New Level 5 qualification for cms
- Student starting help!
- 'OFSTED Reigistered Independent Childminders'...new group on Linkedin
- List of companies involved in trials of childminder agencies released
- business account yay or nay?
- Ofsted complaint letter ratios
- AGENCIES: House of Lords debate
- Online registration for childcare providers
- Are you on Twitter? Join #EYTalking on Tuesdays
- AGENCIES....latest updates
- Making a difference between home and business.
- Mental health in young children
- Childminders should be wary of agencies...
- Hello everyone, and please help!!! :-)
- Reshuffle - will Truss be moved?!
- Nursery World Article - DfE gets tough on childminder funding
- Ministerial reshuffle under way!!!
- House of Lords opposing childminder agency plans as they stand currently
- Toddlers brain scan gives langauge insight
- New Ofsted inspection framework effective Nov 2013
- E Truss answers questions in Nursery World
- 3 in 10 settings downgraded following 'complaint triggered' inspections
- PLA urges govt to address EY sector level of 'anger and discontent'
- Outcomes are the 'focus' for the new inspection framework
- CMs agency website!!!
- New Shadow minister fo EY and childcare
- We don't want our son to cope, we want him to thrive..