I think it depends on the inspector! a friend had one who told her she would be coming on a monday or tuesday regardless of anything the childminder...
That's interesting to know as I was discussing the other day with someone from my LA if I could ask them to come on certain days due to having a SEN...
Some days I feel ready and others no ! The trouble is I have 3 new ones starting this month, one whose mum said wouldn't be bothered at all has been...
I still get like that when mine come home to visit or we visit them as they both have moved away because of work. I miss the fact that we can't just...
Loocyloo, I got them 'The Sweet Smells of Christmas'. I had/have a couple of children who were/are obsessed with smelling things, and I thought this...
Oh so sorry to hear about the bereavement loocyloo. It's exhausting travelling so much at weekends too. Big changes for you with your son as well! I...
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