Glue Spreaders
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Thread: Glue Spreaders

  1. #1
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    Default Glue Spreaders

    Do you bother using glue spreaders when you use pva glue?

    I've always found them a bit odd, but the ones I have just recently bought (admittedly they were very cheap) are so stiff that they are practically useless for little ones who are just learning the skill. I have used paintbrushes in the past, but then they get all clogged up and ruined. I've also used cotton buds, but am trying to not use them because of the single use plastic.

    What do you use? I don't want to use glue sticks all the time, because sometimes pva is better suited to the job.

  2. #2
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    We mainly use glue sticks to be honest, sometimes we use PVA glue and I have some spreaders that I bought a long time ago now probably from Baker Ross as that's where I get most of my craft stuff from. The children seem to think PVA is paint as its white when I was younger I used to love peeling the glue of my fingers when it had dried
    Pixie Dust

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  4. #3
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    i have a large selection of glue spreaders from all over the place (the works ones are good), but we often just use lolly sticks or wooden drinks stirrers .

    i prefer to use glue sticks, but it doesn't really stick much more than paper!

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  6. #4
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    I use glue sticks for paper but like you say, sometimes you just have to use PVA.

    I've got some glue spreaders that I've had for years. I'm not sure where they're from but they children are OK using them. Sometimes I do use brushes instead (usually if I can't find the spreaders!) and I just make sure I wash them out straight away afterwards with lots of hot, soapy water.

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