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Activities for EYFS Areas of Learning



This idea is designed to get the children problem solving, working together and 'thinking outside the box'!

You need at least two children and it is probably more suited to the six and overs, but use your own judgement on whether you think younger children could get involved.

Give each child a small bowl of something to eat, i.e. pieces of fruit, raisins, dry cereal. Also give them a spoon.

Now tell them that they can eat using the spoons but cannot bend their arms at the elbow and they must use the spoons - not eat from the bowls direct!

See how they deal with the problem, make sure they don't cheat.

When they start to get fed up with trying, and if they haven't thought of it themselves, introduce the idea of working together.

The only way they will get to eat is if they feed each other!!

You can bring into the discussion about how we all need each other and everyone relies in some way on someone else.


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