Good morning Thursday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Thursday

    Blimey, it's cold out there this morning!

    I've only got 2 children coming in today but both parents have already messaged to say they're running late as their cars need defrosting before they can set off. Both come from out of town so I imagine it'll be even worse than it is here. I have to say, the garden does look nice with all the frost! I've got the magnifying glasses out and we're going to head into the garden later to look for icy cobwebs. We're then going to make frosty spider web pictures with black paper, glue and glitter. Well, that's the plan, but it depends what mood the children are in. One of them really doesn't like to be out in the cold!

    After work I need to go to the supermarket for a bit of a food shop. We've been doing the 'food cupboard challenge' and trying to use up whatever we've got in, but we're at the stage where we're struggling to come up with workable meals - I don't really fancy the thought of tuna, mushroom soup and spaghetti hoop casserole

    Enjoy your days everyone. Stay safe and stay warm

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  3. #2
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    It really is cold! I agree though, everything looks beautiful and a bit like a film set! My mindee was also a bit late because of their car too!

    We've been out to look at the frost on all the surfaces and I put our 'Jack Frost' story book on the lawn for him to find. We came back inside to read it in the warmth, but he wasn't interested at all. He loves board books with just a few words on each page, but occasionally I want to read a proper story - sometimes we get there, but not today!

    I finally finished Call the Midwife Christmas specials last night. It was a bit annoying because DD and DH were in the living room when I was watching it. I usually like to watch it on my own because DH always moans about how depressing it is with all the poverty and grime - whereas I find it fascinating - and DD finds all the births or anything to do with bodies really disgusting, lol. Then they both start nudging each other when I have a little cry at the story lines. I'm really pleased that they are making a new series for 2021. Oooops, really digressed there!

    Hope you end up with something nice for your tea Mouse.

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    -3 here!

    I had to de-ice car to do school run, as our pavements are deadly ( roads have been gritted) and I decided it was safer. I'd usually walk the afternoon pick up ... but I just can't see how the little ones will be able to keep warm hands... even if I ' double mitten ' them!

    I suggested going out side just now and they all looked at me as if I was crazy! We're staying inside! Child led and and all that
    We might do some icy paintings later .... I remember doing some a few years ago with salt in the paint?

    I've got an online food delivery coming tomorrow! ... I booked it a few weeks ago because we had a busy weekend booked and I didn't know when I'd manage to get to a supermarket.... now, it's going to be helpful ... I had a look and none available for weeks to come. So I've added lots of stuff to my order, but irritatingly when I amended it last night some things were unavailable, so I had to find other things ... today I got a reminder that today is my last chance to amend, with a long list of unavailable items. However... I'm not going to amend my order, because, from experience .... just because they didn't have cucumber at 6am today, doesn't mean they won't have cucumber when they pick my order tomorrow! And if they don't ... they have to substitute or not send! ( and as my opticians appt is still going ahead on sat, I can pop to supermarket next door if I have to! )

    Stay warm and safe everyone

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  7. #4
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    We have rain this morning...we have been exploring a winter sensory tray I set up today. The children have totally changed it from how it was originally set up but thats child led play for you!

    I am totally regretting not sorting out my delivery order last weekend as there were a few slots available for the coming Monday/Tuesday evening which is when I would need the next delivery but thought I would leave as I had some other stuff to sort at the time and of course they had all gone by the time I went on.

    Our LA has been very proactive getting things in place re funding etc and have said they will still pay funding hours this half term even if children are kept at home which will be good for a lot of local settings. I have all my normal children anyway so makes no difference to me.

    Keep warm everyone.
    Pixie Dust

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  9. #5
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    Cold and sunny here. We did go out to the river walk at 11am lovely walk all wrapped up warm.

  10. #6
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    I’m spending my day reading 1st aid notes so my friend and I can get our practical parts done before 3rd February. Luckily I’m not working at the moment. Sainsbury’s delivered my shopping this morning but 16 items were missing. The driver said the box hadn’t made it to the van but I would get a call about redelivery but I’ve just had to spend half hour on the phone to the help line to get it sorted as apparently the driver didn’t know what he was talking about. Going for a walk soon while the suns still out



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