Good morning Wednesday
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  1. #1
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    Smile Good morning Wednesday

    Good morning everyone.

    Today I have the Poop Monster here. She’s one of those children who needs a complete change of clothes every time she has a dirty nappy! She’s a fantastic eater and has a wonderful diet, but that does result in a lot of truly horrendous nappies

    The sun is shining again today but it’s still cold. At least we just need coats or cardigans on to go outside, not the puddle-suits and waterproofs I was wrestling the children into last week! I’ve got the shaving foam and paint out to play with - it makes a lot of mess but is so easy to clean away. I did used to add glitter to it but nowadays I’m more conscious of that being washed down the drains so tend not to use it for shaving foam play.

    What’s everyone watching on TV now? Have any new dramas started that I’ve missed? I watched Anthony the other night and thought it was very good. I had started watching Maigret on a Sunday night but think that must have finished now. It took a bit of getting used to Rowan Atkinson in a serious role, but I did enjoy it.

    Have good days all.

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    Ooooh, I was thinking of watching Anthony. I'll give it a go. DD and I have been watching the Madeleine McCann documentary on Netflix (6 or 8 episodes).It's a bit of an odd choice I know. As it's been on the news recently with the German suspect, DD has become aware of it and asking me about it. We watched it together and it gave me the opportunity to discuss some of the darker issues of life with her. I know we all know the story, so far, but it was still an interesting watch. I hate calling it 'interesting', but you know what I mean.

    My dog is really playing up at night when we are in bed. Honestly, it's like having a newborn baby all over again with wondering how much sleep you will get each night before they wake you. He was barking and crying for ages last night and this morning there was stuffing all over the place from a hole he had chewed in his dog bed. I love my dog with all my heart, but can honestly say this is my first and last ever dog.

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    Ha,ha that made me laugh about your dog Maza. We have had a dog practically all our married life 35 years. Obviously not the same one!!! Puppies are very hard work and it can depend on the breed what ones are more difficult then others.

    Never mind when he/she is about 6 they will be easy peasy. Just a bind if you want to go out for the day or when you go on holiday .
    I say now my dog will be the last and he is is as good as gold! doesn’t bark, is good natured as long as he is walked several times a day he is happy.

    Give me a puppy I’ll run! Least nowadays everyone uses crates when they are young. Just a tip do you cover there crate like a den? Obviously leave one end uncovered but that sometimes helps I’m told. Maybe it’s the darkness.they get used to thinking it’s their safe place .

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    Dragonfly we were told not to cover his crate at all, so we haven't been doing that. Oh my goodness, I can't wait until he is 6 if he will be easy peasy!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maza View Post
    Dragonfly we were told not to cover his crate at all, so we haven't been doing that. Oh my goodness, I can't wait until he is 6 if he will be easy peasy!
    We have always covered the crate for our puppy Maza and so far we haven't had any problems, I know he is slightly younger than yours as he is nearly 6 months now!

    Dragonfly we said never again when we lost our lost dog then nearly 3 years on we missed having a dog around so here we are with a puppy again!
    Pixie Dust

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    Pixie dust that’s exactly what happened to us!!!! When our last dog died at nearly 14 years old I said never again and got a gold fish ! Then my friends dog had puppies and that was it. But now I mean it No more dogs I really do don’t I ?

    So glad I wasn’t the only one to say cover part of the crate. I know I’d heard it and sure I did it for the dog I’ve got now who’s 9 yrs when he was a pup,before that the dogs we had didn’t have crates.

    I think it’s a comfort thing?

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    Dragonfly - I actually thought we should cover the crate too - but it was DH who said someone told him that we shouldn't. He probably dreamt it, lol. Our puppy's sister has her crate covered too, as I'm sure lots of dogs do. I took him for an extra long walk this afternoon to tire him out and I'll take him around the block tonight. DD said we can't stitch his bed back up, so he might just have to have blankets and his big cushion in his crate tonight shortly before bedtime.

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    We had a lovely day here, weather wise. I had a stressful day with the children yesterday even though we went out for a while. So today we were in the park at 10 and back for lunch and 12. Then out in the afternoon at 1.00 till 3.30, walking in the woods. Still I get back and the stressful child starts fighting with the others again!!! Day off tomorrow and Friday thank goodness

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    Ooh Sylvia bet you were tired out after that busy day but bet the children loved the park and woods. Sometimes there is alway one who puts the spoke in the fun. Enjoy your days off.



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