Good morning Monday
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  1. #1
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    Default Good morning Monday

    It seems strange to think this is the last week of term. It’s certainly very different to any other I’ve experienced. Although my own children have long since left school, I’m used to seeing photos on social media of friends’ children attending end of year discos, leavers’ concerts, proms etc. I know a few local schools have arranged outdoor, socially distanced picnics for the children, which is lovely.

    One of my minded children is starting school in September and had a zoom meeting with her teacher last week. But she hasn’t visited the school or had any face to face contact. Luckily she’s very confident and can’t wait to go, but I can imagine some children will struggle in September with either starting school or going back to school.

    I only look after Early Years children who come all year round, so our 6 weeks holiday is no different to the rest of the year. How are things going to work for those of you who look after older children? Will you still be having them in the holidays? Have you been having them already if they haven’t been at school?

    What lovely things have you got planned for today? I haven’t got any children here, but I’ve got a long list of jobs to get done. My aim is to dash through them all this morning so I can have a peaceful afternoon in the garden

    Have good days everyone

  2. #2
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    Good morning Mouse and everyone else.

    Our school holidays start today!

    I have one starting school in September who also hasn't been able to do usual school visits, and like yours Mouse, has just had a zoom chat with the teacher. But, luckily, as we have been picking up from that class for the past year, he knows the classroom and the teacher, and more to the point, she knows him!

    I usually have a few schoolies in the holidays, but due to Corona, a couple of mums jobs have changed and so they require less care, so my holidays are going to be very similar to the past 4 mths with no school runs and mainly EY children!

    We're just going to Potter around and get used to having our big ones back! I have a few ideas, but going to let them choose. It's going to be sad, as one family will just be coming in the holidays for now ... I've had them 3 days a week for 6 years! Missed them and will miss them after the holidays.

    It's my usual day off, I have some jobs to do and am meeting a friend for a coffee. First time we'll have met in over 4 months - we usually meet at least once a week!

    Have fun and take care xx
    Last edited by loocyloo; 20-07-2020 at 06:42 AM.

  3. #3
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    Good morning, I can't believe it's Monday morning already not quite sure where the weekend went !

    I have one little one who finished Friday who is heading off to school in September, mum said school hasn't really done anything yet for September I think its because its a small village school and they have found things difficult managing the ones who have returned to school plus supporting those at home too.

    I normally have quite a few older ones over the holidays but t the moment no one has booked in, two families have been in touch asking if they would be able to attend over the holidays if needed but both families parents are still furloughed so it will depend what happens with them. I have really enjoyed just having the little ones to be honest.

    Not much planned today, a garden day I think.
    Pixie Dust

  4. #4
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    First day of holidays here too. We booked to go to penshurst place. So we had our slot 10 till 1.30. It was very well done. Lots of hand sanitizers around the play area. I saw cleaners going into the toilets several times whilst we were there. It wasn’t busy either although there’s always plenty of space to sit and play normally. The minders enjoyed their day and that’s what’s important



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