Snow watch
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Thread: Snow watch

  1. #1
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    Default Snow watch

    Has anyone got snow yet?

    It was very icy this morning but the sun is shining though its still cold.

    Though I think my wishing for snow may come back to haunt me as the youngest 2 have a rugby tournament saturday at sale sharks and we are watching the game afterwards.
    Rugby in the snow is not fun so please hold off till late afternoon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ nothing like wanting everything.
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door

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    Quote Originally Posted by FussyElmo View Post
    Has anyone got snow yet?

    It was very icy this morning but the sun is shining though its still cold.

    Though I think my wishing for snow may come back to haunt me as the youngest 2 have a rugby tournament saturday at sale sharks and we are watching the game afterwards.
    Rugby in the snow is not fun so please hold off till late afternoon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ nothing like wanting everything.

    LOL .... we've had snow this morning and i was watching it thinking PLEASE STOP! I've got to do 2 school runs in the car this afternoon ... well i could walk the first, but by the time i get 2 X 2 yr olds home ... it would be time to get in the car to go and collect the big girls! Luckily it has stopped and seems to be melting!

    I don't want it to snow tomorrow or this weekend as DD is in panto and we are up and down the road to take/collect/watch/chaperone like yoyos!

    Next week will be fine

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    Nothing here - yet. I’m a real humbug when it comes to snow and working. Had enough years of collecting school children with inadequate coats/gloves/hats etc. Wellies with no grip and cold wet feet trapped inside. Buggies slipping everywhere. Toddlers crying and wriggling under steaming rain covers. Indoor rugs soaking from wet clothes afterwards.
    God I’m dreading it.

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    We don’t often get it here . When we do I love it ....but not when I have to do school runs. Pushing a double buggy with toddler seat uphill in the snow is not pleasant! Happily have it in half term please , so we can all enjoy it rather than endure it x

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    It's snowing!!! Actually it's just stopped and hasn't stuck at all, just wet everywhere.

    It started while we were on the school run - every single child in the street was so excited. Then we came home and made a carrot cake with the carrot mountain that we have acquired, and it was just so lovely seeing the huge snowflakes drifting down as we baked. So cosy, and the cinnamon and nutmeg smelt divine - I was tempted to open some mulled wine. We felt all festive again for a while.

    Back to reality and I'm really hoping we don't have more overnight because my work is down some very steep hills, and I genuinely get scared walking there when it is icy - there's nothing to hold on to. Plus, like everyone else, I have to set off extra early when it has snowed.

    Has everyone else had snow today?

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    No snow here, but apparently it's snowing up on the moors.

    It hasn't got much above freezing all day, and so the pavements (which weren't gritted) are lethal, because as soon as the heavy frost/snow melted a bit, it refroze like an ice rink

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maza View Post
    It's snowing!!! Actually it's just stopped and hasn't stuck at all, just wet everywhere.

    It started while we were on the school run - every single child in the street was so excited. Then we came home and made a carrot cake with the carrot mountain that we have acquired, and it was just so lovely seeing the huge snowflakes drifting down as we baked. So cosy, and the cinnamon and nutmeg smelt divine - I was tempted to open some mulled wine. We felt all festive again for a while.

    Back to reality and I'm really hoping we don't have more overnight because my work is down some very steep hills, and I genuinely get scared walking there when it is icy - there's nothing to hold on to. Plus, like everyone else, I have to set off extra early when it has snowed.

    Has everyone else had snow today?
    Oh Mazda I could almost smell your carrot cake. Yum yum.

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    Sleet here since 5.30. Plus absolutely freezing. Might go under the stairs and pull my old hiking boots out for the morning school run as it’ll be icy. Hate push8ng a buggy in this weather.

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    Started with sleet early evening then turned into light snow which settled on cars but too wet to settle anywhere else. Didn't last long though.

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    Woke up to white cars but clear wet roads. Yeah. One happy childminder here πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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    We got really excited tuesday walking home lovely big flakes were coming down. You were able to catch them on your toungue. Then wednesday morning it was gone just left us with horrible patches of ice :-(

    Oh well maybe next week
    When someone tells you nothing is impossible, tell them to go slam a revolving door



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