We've still got everything up.

When do/did you take yours down? Do you take everything (tree, decorations, cards, lights, towels etc) down in one go or do you do it over a few days?

Our home still looks like Christmas, but I don't tend to listen to Christmas songs once Christmas day is over. We don't tend to do Christmas arts and craft anymore either once Christmas eve is done (although DD keeps reminding me that I still owe her an activity from our advent/stockings craft activities).

We did decorate a gingerbread house a couple of days ago because she got a kit for Christmas.

Do you still have leftover food or is that all done too? We've just got some cheese left, a chocolate santa and some mulled wine.

I popped to the library an hour ago and it was dark, but it was so lovely seeing so many twinkly lights still up everywhere.