How's everyone's weekend going?
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  1. #1
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    Default How's everyone's weekend going?

    If it's anything like mine, it's going way too fast!

    This is DD's dance show weekend, so everything revolves around that. As she's older I don't have to be there with her, but it still seems to dominate our weekend with dropping her off, waiting for the phone call to tell us what she's forgotten to pack, dashing back to the theatre to drop whatever it is off, hanging around for ages to pick her up after the show only to find it's running late so we'll be waiting a while longer... It's all good fun though and I do like to see her dance. We'll go along to the performance this evening so at least I can wait inside after it's finished rather than freezing outside the stage door for an hour like I did last night!

  2. #2
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    That brings back memories Mouse! It is good fun when they are really into it. How many numbers is she in?

    Yesterday we went 'ice bashing'. There's a big chunk of our local woods where the puddles are huge and always freeze over when it's cold and one of DD's favourite things (and mindees when I had them) was to take a huge stick and smash up the puddles. I dressed like a tramp (needed to wear elasticated trousers as over indulged at Christmas and my only elasticated pair are awful). All of DD's winter clothes were suddenly too small for her - we looked like a right pair - and typically we bumped into several people we knew. It was lovely though, I love winter woodland walks. Last night we had movie night with popcorn and toasted marshmellows - we watched Finding Dory. I'm not great at watching films but I forced myself to put my laptop away and be totally 'present'.

    Today we set off to the Natural History Museum but the queue was ridiculous and it was raining heavily. We went to the Science Museum next door instead - no queue. DH came too - I like him coming along but he does have a very short tolerance level when it comes to crowds and kids who don't wait their turn at the various exhibits.

    DD's swimming lesson at 5pm tonight and DH cooks whilst we are there. He's a great cook and I love getting in from the cold and letting the smell of dinner waft towards us. He usually greets me with a big glass of red and for a short while I forget that it is almost Monday morning.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.

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    I worked yesterday( did a huge favour for one of my families) so my weekend is just today so it is going very quickly as have lots of boring stuff to cram in to one day but have managed to book a holiday to Disneyland Paris with friends
    Pixie Dust

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maza View Post
    That brings back memories Mouse! It is good fun when they are really into it. How many numbers is she in?

    She's in 4 dances, so not too many.

    I kind of miss the days when she was younger and us mums had to be there to do the quick changes of costume and hair. It was always manic but great fun.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    She's in 4 dances, so not too many.

    I kind of miss the days when she was younger and us mums had to be there to do the quick changes of costume and hair. It was always manic but great fun.
    Four is a nice number. I remember last year posting about my DD's dance show and all the stress it came with - and she was only in one number! So much sitting around. What dance styles does she do? Are you like me and know all of her dances off by heart? There's nothing like the adrenalin of a dance show is there?

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    My weekend is having its ups and downs. First DD2 text to say that her dad had just spilled paint over her new sofa, new rug and all over his wife including her hair new jumper, new jeans and new uggs. This is only an up because they are always having a dig at pippa for little things she does when she visits their house. We have had a good laugh about that this afternoon. Then a dad of a child who stopped coming to me in July when he went to secondary school called round to ask if he can come to see us a bit more now as the mum has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

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    Oh that's really sad Sylvia. Hope she beats it.

    Hope your DD manages to get the paint off everything!

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    Quote Originally Posted by SYLVIA View Post
    My weekend is having its ups and downs. First DD2 text to say that her dad had just spilled paint over her new sofa, new rug and all over his wife including her hair new jumper, new jeans and new uggs. This is only an up because they are always having a dig at pippa for little things she does when she visits their house. We have had a good laugh about that this afternoon. Then a dad of a child who stopped coming to me in July when he went to secondary school called round to ask if he can come to see us a bit more now as the mum has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
    Oh hugs to you. What a weekend you've had.

    Sounds like everyone else has had fun.
    Maza ... sorry you didn't get to see Dippy, but I love the science museum.
    Mouse ... hope you enjoyed the dance show.
    Pixie ... enjoy Disney!

    We've had friends staying, DD has been doing panto, (I've been chaperoning) DS has had a football match and DD/DS/DH all had band!
    I'd made a hotpot last night and popped it in the top of the aga to heat up before putting it in the bottom aga oven over night .... 4 hrs later I remembered I hadn't put it in bottom aga ... cue blackened mess ... this morning DH went out to buy something for lunch ... so then, everyone else went out for a walk whilst I sorted veggies etc for big roast for 8 people! (My choice to stay home and chop veg/cook!)
    Friends have gone home and I'm almost asleep waiting for Sherlock to start!

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    Oh loocyloo how frustrating! I have only had to use an aga once. It was a couple of years ago in a holiday cottage where we stayed for about three nights. I really hated it, as did DH. I everyone loves them once they have got used to them but I'm not sure I would ever get used to them. Do you love yours?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maza View Post
    Oh loocyloo how frustrating! I have only had to use an aga once. It was a couple of years ago in a holiday cottage where we stayed for about three nights. I really hated it, as did DH. I everyone loves them once they have got used to them but I'm not sure I would ever get used to them. Do you love yours?
    It was in the house when we moved in ... 5 years later I'm used to it, but i can't say I love it! I do love that I don't have to remember to turn it on and that it's always warm to lean against! Great for drying art work, soggy gloves and washing on. We use it to make toast and boil the kettle, and with a silicon mat on the hot plate, makes amazing flat (fried but with no fat) eggs! I've got very used to knowing which bit of oven to cook in etc and can bake. Great for slow cooking.
    I do miss having a timer and knowing exactly how hot the oven is! The aga starts hot and as you cook, loses temperature so if cooking a roast with Yorkshire pud ... you have to cook the yorkies before anything else! Then pop them in bottom aga to keep warm.

    We're not getting rid of it, but if we were redoing a kitchen, I wouldn't choose to put one in!
    Last edited by loocyloo; 16-01-2017 at 07:53 AM.

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