May need surgery :(
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  1. #1
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    Default May need surgery :(

    I have been having trouble with my shoulder which is getting steadily worse.
    Started hurting in January, went to the doctors in March and they referred me for physio. I got an appointment through for the end of June!!! In the meantime, I went to see an osteopath and also had acupuncture - neither worked.
    Had 4 physio appointments and also had a cortisone injection which again didn't do anything.
    Went back to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and he said he will refer me to see a specialist and perhaps have an xray/ultrasound/mri to see what's going on.
    I told him we had private health care with my husband's job and he told me to use it and wrote me a referral letter there and then.

    I went to see a specialist tonight and he did an ultrasound on my shoulder and said I have a spur on the end of my collar bone that my tendon (which has thickened) is catching on.

    He suggested another cortisone injection while using the ultrasound so he can see directly where it goes, but if this doesn't work it will be keyhole surgery to have the spur removed!!

    Now, I asked him the dreaded question - how long will I be out of action for? 4-6 weeks!!!
    I have 7 children on my books - 5 families. He said I would be able to have the older ones after a couple of weeks, but wouldn't recommend having the babies. I now have to break the news to my families. They are all teachers so I aim to have it done around Christmas, but I will still need to take at least a week off from everyone and 2 weeks from the babies. I dread what they are going to say. None of them have families close by that can help and none of my childminding friends have vacancies.
    I thought I would try and have the op a week before the end of term so take that off, have the 2 weeks Christmas holidays and then I can have school children back as it's just before and after school. I am hoping I might also be able to have the babies, but need to warn the parents I might not be able to.

    Think of me tomorrow when I talk to the parents. One family hasn't even started with me yet, they start the week after next and we are doing settling in sessions next week.

    Oh, and the consultant said I should notice a difference almost immediately after the injection. All I know is, it flippin' hurts. My shoulder has gone really stiff, couldn't even lift my arm to get the cat food out of the top cupboard!!
    littletreasures xx

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    Thi king of you, awful situation to be in with all that guilt but you must come first. Look after yourself. X

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    Fingers crossed that you don't have to have surgery. DH had something similar on his heel and that just went over time. Sounds like you are working around your families as much as you possibly can and hopefully they will realise that and be understanding but ultimately you and your health come first

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    Oh dear so sorry to hear you are in pain, I've also been told that I have several spurs on my neck / upper spine. I was told this 2yrs ago when I had hospital investigations for bad shoulder pain too, I've had several steroid injections and physio but have never been offered surgery I'm still suffering now and find it makes me feel dizzy at times,xx

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    Oh hunny I am so sorry you need to put yourself first and do what needs to be done. Big hugs xx

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    oh honey i am sorry but you must think of yourself. if you don't have it done, you might be out of action anyway. hugs
    if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got

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    Oh goodness. Dh has a different but similar issue and is just waiting for a date for surgery...Hopefully keyhole but despite having several scans etc it might be more :-(

    He has been told he will need a couple of weeks off and no driving for 4-6 weeks.

    My BIL had another similar operation a couple of weeks ago and I don't want to worry you, but still can't lift or use his shoulder without pain and has been told it will be another couple of weeks.

    PLEASE take time to heal and recover so that you are not troubled in the future.


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    I have had this with my shoulder and also my neck for about 15 years now and I have refused to have the op. I go to the chiropractor regularly which really helps. An op is the last resort in my opinion, lots of other natural treatments to try first.
    I've had several cortisone injections in my shoulder and have been told each time that I shouldn't move the shoulder at all for 24 hours afterwards so perhaps you are doing too much today, the injection wont have any effect if you overdo it. Hope its feeling better soon.

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    I went to an osteopath for 4 months before having physio and unfortunately it didn't make any difference.

    The specialist didn't say anything about not moving my shoulder at all. I have not really been moving it much, but unfortunately automatically went to get the cat food out of the cupboard with my right hand as I am right handed.

    I am taking it easy today. I only have one baby so am sitting on the floor playing with her so I don't have to pick her up too much. She can crawl on to my lap herself.

    The operation really is the last resort as nothing seems to be working at all.
    littletreasures xx

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    I put up with the pain and lack of movement from a frozen shoulder for 2 years - I saw a consultant who said I could have it manipulated under anaesthic but I would need 3 weeks off work - I declined the operation and struggled on for another 9 months, carrying on with physio, cortisone injections, and even tried bowen treatment. Eventually I realised operation was only way forward as although I had a little more movement it had started to enpinge (similar to yours where the bone was rubbing on tendon) - I asked a friend (former childminder) to be my assistant and help me for a few weeks. I had a day off for the operation and was back to work the next day with my assistant - in the end she only helped on the days I had babies as I could manage the older children, just couldn't change nappies or lift into highchairs or cots. I went to physio on my day off - the NHS ones were useless so I ended up paying myself to see a private one and he made a tremendous difference.

    Go for the operation - try to find an assistant or another childminder who is prepared to base herself at yours for a few weeks or find other childminders who can help the parents for a few weeks - don't carry on being in pain.

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    The fact your shoulder hurts like mad after the injection may be a good sign. I used to have them in my hip I had bursitis oh and the pain, couldn't walk, felt like fire in my hip and to be honest I used to take to my bed and hobble for a few days. But then it was amazing, pain free!!! Bear with it and hopefully this is what will happen to you!!

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    I had 5 Injections altogether, 3 in one shoulder and 2 in the other, both were frozen at different times. The injections did nothing for me and didn't help with movement or pain at all!
    I the end a had the op for one shoulder and went back to work 2 wks later but didnt have babies at the time. Took lotsof physio and about a year after op to get about 95% of movement back.
    Everyone's different but I would def book at least a week off and warn parents you may need longer. I was lucky as friends had spaces and took my mindees to help out.

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    You must think about yourself and take as long as you need. Also do YOU really want this op the week before Christmas, you may be in terrible pain and spend your holiday suffering. Also if you tell them you will be back to work straight after Christmas and you are not they may tell you they can't find anyone else and make you feel obliged to go back too soon. Good luck and take care.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CLL View Post
    You must think about yourself and take as long as you need. Also do YOU really want this op the week before Christmas, you may be in terrible pain and spend your holiday suffering. Also if you tell them you will be back to work straight after Christmas and you are not they may tell you they can't find anyone else and make you feel obliged to go back too soon. Good luck and take care.
    The pain after surgery is no where near as bad as the pain you are in now - I had my op on a Monday, was back to work with help on the Tuesday, Wed, Thursday (day off), Friday worked - Sunday was my parents golden wedding anniversary party and I was fine, the only problem was finding a dress that covered the dressings on my shoulder. I managed the Monday on my own (older children), had help on Tues & Wed (babies) and then just carried on by myself. I did have to get someone to do a school run to a village school as I couldn't drive for 2 weeks. The NHS physio was useless, so after 8 weeks I paid to go private. I also used this website for advice as I knew the advice the NHS physio was giving me was wrong! Shoulder Exercises for shoulder injury rehab

    Having op done before Christmas could be a way round taking so much time off work - I did have a different operation
    3 years ago at Christmas - had it done on 21st Dec and started back to work in the new year - it meant that I had to be organised before Xmas but it meant that I could sit back and watch the men (husband and son in law) do the Xmas meal - so definitely had it's advantages.

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    Having it done just before the Christmas holidays does have it's advantages. I can be waited on!!!

    One set of parents haven't started with me yet. They come from using a Nursery for their other daughter. They were a bit freaked out when I warned them. I wanted to let them know there is a possibility now, rather waiting until November and then telling them I need time off.

    The shoulder is a little better. Some of the usual movements that caused me a great deal of pain before, aren't hurting every time I move my arm. But it is only a few days since having the injection. Other movements are just as painful. If I do have to have an operation the best option would be at the start of the summer holidays so I have 7 weeks to recover, but I am not sure I can put up with the pain for another 9 months. If I was on the NHS I probably would have to wait that long though.

    I have another appointment with the consultant on 8th November. I will discuss with him how often I could have cortisone injections, perhaps to keep me going until July.

    One of my parents is a nurse and she has said I will need at least 4 weeks off
    littletreasures xx

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    I had 3 cortisone injections - only the 2nd one worked - think you can only have 3 injections a year in the same joint/place otherwise it can damage the tissue. I think I saw my consultant in November and they had to do the operation within 12 weeks because of targets, had mine done right on 12 weeks as didn't want it done week before my daughter's wedding, so had it done week after instead.

    Managed to wangle a telephone consultation for my pre-op appointment - they just asked questions over the phone. I didn't have a full anaesthetic so maybe not so many risks - I had a total nerve block injection which was very painful and then only small amount of anaesthetic so didn't feel too bad when I came round. Just wish they had warned me that my arm would be completely dead for 24 hours after!

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    How did it go ????
    One life live it



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