It is a statutory requirement of the EYFS that all children’s learning must be tracked through ‘systematic observational assessment ‘. The easiest way to do this is by making a learning journey. It does not have to be a complicated document – it can be as simple as a scrap book or a loose leaf folder.

This e-book is in 2 chapters –

Chapter 1 talks you through all the different pages you might like to include in a child’s learning journey, from involving parents to writing individual planning; from getting information from other settings to preparing a transitions document for when the child is preparing to move on to another setting.

Chapter 2 is full of sample paperwork that you might like to use.
The forms are ones I use every day so I know they work in practice.

You do not have to use all of my ideas or put everything I have written into a child’s learning journey, but you do need to do something to show his progression while with you ... so take what you want from this e-book and come back for more if you find it useful.

E-book 28 is on my website priced at £3.99

Thank you for reading!