Does anyone use this site and what do you think about it?.I used to do separate learning journeys,weekly newsletter etc and rarely ever had a comment.
I collect and take home the children daily so nearly all my communication is verbal/text email.We will swap quick important things like if the child is tired,what they have done at home with me etc.
I try to cut down on paperwork so i do this write in the daily diary on the computer- or email a picture and description from my phone, this is the complete day with short summary.On the days i do a long obs,click the relevant button to say which areas are covered,next steps,milestones etc.I a development tracker and personal plan in the child's folder along with lots of photos showing evidence of what we have done and achieved.Often i take pics of work they have done and some actual items are included.
I find this works as the main thing is parents don't want to fill in bits of paper,they like photos, i am working with parents as this is what they like,i record starting points,have obs,next steps and evidence next steps have worked.
I just send this home periodically--it is all on my computer---no separate daily diary/learning journey/newsletter.This works for me and the parents.. anyone do similar ?