Is it worth having a website?
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  1. #1
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    Default Is it worth having a website?

    As I'm impatiently waiting for my pre-reg visit (I've not even got my DBS check back yet, so I'm very prematurely waiting ), I'm faffing around with all the things I can do before I'm ready to start. I was trying to find how other local childminders present themselves, what information they give and what activities they offer, but have been surprised by how few of them have a website. Making one is on my list of things to do as I assumed it would be a useful source of information to parents before they visit - do many people on here have one or is it widely viewed as not really worth the effort?

  2. #2
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    Never had one and never seen the need. I rarely have a vacancy stand open for long.
    A good Profile on, with parent reviews as soon as you can get them, regularly updated with your vacancy info does the job.
    There are local childcare facebook pages too which are becoming a source of enquiries and local parent pages.
    I want parents to come to see me rather than make a decision based on photos on screen or my policies etc. In a one-to-one meeting with a prospective parent I can tailor my presentation to them and their needs rather than a generic website aimed at all possible families/scenarios.

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    I have a website, ( Pauline who set up the forum did it for me and its lovely ) but I'm not sure if anyone really looks at it now. I never get enquiries through it ( I would know, as it has a particular email address ). most people find me through word of mouth, or as far as I can tell - asking on facebook if anyone has my number !!!! ( I'm not on facebook! )

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    I got 2 enquiries through my website last year. One parent was specifically looking for me anyway and found the website and the other was unknown and went through the FIS page and mine was the only one displaying a website so they came straight to me. But other than that I haven't had anyone that I know has come through the website it is mainly word of mouth/people I know.

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    Thank you all for replying - it makes interesting reading. In my current line of work everything is done via the internet so I struggle to imagine a path that doesn't begin with the parents googling for "childminder in xxxtown" :-) I susoect I may do one anyway as it's easy enough to republish my leaflet as a webpage - I'll let you know whether it gets many (any!) views!

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    I do have a website, Pauline did it for me. I do find it beneficial although I don't have any spaces this year but have still renewed.

    My main business comes from word of mouth and showing myself at toddler groups but I do have emails through from my website, its just a shame I have to turn them down through lack of space.
    Time Out.. The perfect time for thinking about what you're going to destroy next.

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    I suspect that the reason many cms do not have a website is because it is not worth the time and effort it takes to set one up. But if that is your previous line of work and you'll find it easy, then it can't hurt, so I'd say go for it. It gives somewhere for people who have heard about you by word of mouth to go to find out some more info before contacting you.

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    I like having a website, I've used it to give information to possible parents, so they know how I work, my policies, that I'm TTO etc. It stops me from having to throw lots of information at parents to see if I'm appropriate for them.

    Plus it's my main copy of Policies, if I edit that then I know which my most up to date ones are!

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    I don't have a website but I do have a Facebook business page, I enjoy updating it with our monthly or termly activities, I've gained several enquiries through it, plus if I get a prospective parent through, say, word of mouth and they're interested to know what sort of things their child will actually get up to, then I just direct them there and they're always thrilled to see the pics. I say it's worth it, even if it's only for your own satisfaction of seeing from an almost outside perspective what a good job you'll no doubt be doing!

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    Coming from the other side, when I was a parent looking for childcare I would say it was definitely a helpful tool for me but that's because that's how I research things generally. But I get moggys and other peoples points on the subject too. As a mum though to see a professional looking page gave me a good first impression although this shouldn't really matter when looking for a cm it would definitely sway me!

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    Anyone happy to share the links to their websites? :-) x

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    Mumofone I have no idea how to put links on, my mindees know more about computers than me!!!! My web site is - it's very simple so I don't need to update it! Most of my enquiries are word of mouth but people sometimes look at it to get a few details before visiting me. X

  14. #13
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    I would link to mine but don't you need a link back to here for it to be following the rules? I don't make my website, my OH does, and I only know how to change the text, not the formatting or else I'd add one. It's pretty simplistic really, probably outdated. Nothing on there swooshes or glides.

  15. #14
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    I would say 60% of my work comes from people finding my website and contact via it. so I would say yes!

  16. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evie125 View Post
    Mumofone I have no idea how to put links on, my mindees know more about computers than me!!!! My web site is - it's very simple so I don't need to update it! Most of my enquiries are word of mouth but people sometimes look at it to get a few details before visiting me. X
    It's fantastic, it would definitely create a good first impression if i were a parent seeking childcare. :-) x



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