Some people are so rude!!!
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  1. #1
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    Default Some people are so rude!!!

    I can't believe how ignorant some people can be!! I am a 22 yr old minder and yes I only look about 18 but that does not give people the right to judge me...

    I was taking a walk with my mindee's aged 4, 18 months and 12 months... I stop to give all the kiddies a drink and notice a couple of 'yummy mummy's staring at me and clearly talking about me. Then I actually hear

    "It's terrible isn't it, no wonder the country's going to pot, I bet they don't even have the same father"

    Omg fuming wasn't the word!! Couldn't bite my tongue and said out loud;

    "Excuse me but I'm their child minder not their mother! Nice for some who can stand around gossiping all day while others are out working hard, no wonder this country is going to pot"

    People like that really make my blood boil!!!
    Has anyone else ever had anything similar happen to them?!?


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    Ha- well done you!! I always get Ohhh lots of babies! I just smile and say yes. But I would also snap if I was you- did they respond?

  4. #3
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    for you...that is rude...and I would have probably given them the same reaction.
    I never judge anyone by a glance, brief meeting, passing in the street etc...but unfortunately some people do
    Nothing annoys me more than when people assume the children are mine, and I just sponge of the government (did actually hear that comment about me...eek) and when people who know I'm a childminder don't consider what we do as 'work'...glorified babysitting was the other throw away comment

    Sarah x
    Sarah, Bumble Beez x x

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    I would have turned to them and said '' No , youre right. Three different fathers..AND three different mothers'' ..and walked away to leave them puzzling over it!

  6. #5
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    I'm afraid it's one of those things you have to learn to ignore.

    I have had all sorts of comments over the years, especially when I've had children of different nationalities. I just laugh at people's ignorance.

    I have also had comments about how all the children look alike. I was once asked if they were triplets - one was mine (very blonde), one was mixed race (darker skin & dark hair) and one had red hair. I was so tempted to say yes, they were all identical

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    Ive had one old woman tell me 'you need to learn to say no to him love' when I had five los with me and another time when I was at the park with five littlies another lady asked me if they were all mine. I said no im their childminder, to which she replied...oh didnt you want a proper job! So angry with her that I asked if she wanted to come and see all the paperwork I have to do. Cheeky moo!!
    If all else fails......add glitter!

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    Quote Originally Posted by mama2three View Post
    I would have turned to them and said '' No , youre right. Three different fathers..AND three different mothers'' ..and walked away to leave them puzzling over it!
    I love this!! Haha!!
    No they didn't respond, they didn't get a chance, we were off again on our little walk

  10. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mama2three View Post
    I would have turned to them and said '' No , youre right. Three different fathers..AND three different mothers'' ..and walked away to leave them puzzling over it!
    Haha! This is fab, im 26, married 2 kids of my own etc and people still think im a teenage mum and they are all mine! I never really say anything but then later I think of loads of clever come backs I wish i'd said. Just one of those things, I know im working, I know I dont claim benefits and thats all that matters. Anyone else and their opinions can quite frankly, well I cant really say on here ;-)

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    I'm with you! I regularly get people tutting when they see me with all the children. I'm 32 but look a lot younger (so I'm told) and once in the park I overheard 2 women talking about me telling each other I must have started popping kids out at 16, and how I obviously don't cope with all those being so young etc etc. I actually approached them, shaking like a leaf and told them I was 31, married, a Childminder with only one of my own, who was a very much wanted child after 5 years of Ivf treatment. They both apologized and looked really shocked. People need to think more before they share their often untrue, vile opinions.

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    I get this all the time. Worse still I work with my husband so we are often out and about with 4/5 little ones. People sometimes stare in wonder and smile (at best) or we will get the obligatory ooh you've got your hands full comment. Or are they twins/triplets? The worst one was when I was heavily pregnant and on my own with a black child and a white child both aged 10 & 18 mths ish. This vile woman glared at me and said what and you're having another? ! I was so shocked I said nothing for 10 seconds then came to my senses and said actually they are not my children not that its any of your business so keep your opinion to yourself! She said sorry lol.

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    Walking home with nine children the other day, older gentleman asked mindees mum were there her children, she said no they are all hers pointing to me. He said you need to get a telly love and gave me a wink. Made me laugh to be honest.

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    Oh believe me! people can be REAL vulgar!

    Our local school and its parents, not all of them, but a nice selection only see childminding as a stop-gap, cash in hand, mates rates, back scratching favours etc.

    This then has a massive negative effect. We are constantly put down by a group who think the whole sector is rubbish! assuming we do not pay tax etc (that one gets me fuming sometimes!)

    It is likely that these very same people will be running to wraparound care in September after putting down every single form of regged Childcare going for years. Thus completely missing the point that onsite wraparound is in fact... Childcare lol

    Such is life I guess, onwards and upwards

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    It's not just being young that causes comments I'm the other end of the scale early fifties and I get
    "don't you think it's time you stopped having children at your age," I v also overheard discussions about the fathers of "all my children" and had "don't they all look like you" when caring for oriental, African and Indian, white children. I'm white British. I think years ago people had larger families so seeing people out with a larger family group was more. "Normal" but these days seeing more than 2/3 children with one adult is a novelty and people love to comment. I learnt just to ignore it and smile inside that my close caring relationship with the children gives the impression I'm mum x ..... Either that or the fact that I look worn out haggard and multi coloured!! LOL x

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    I'm afraid it's one of those things you have to learn to ignore. I have had all sorts of comments over the years, especially when I've had children of different nationalities. I just laugh at people's ignorance. I have also had comments about how all the children look alike. I was once asked if they were triplets - one was mine (very blonde), one was mixed race (darker skin & dark hair) and one had red hair. I was so tempted to say yes, they were all identical
    I've had that too I had all three little ones in the triple buggy one little boy was Eastern European with very tanned skin a little boy of African origin absolutely gorgeous with a big Afro and a little girl with very fair skin and strawberry blonde ringlets. All three were 14-15 months old all I got was stared by people passing as if to say how did she manage that!!! Apart from one very rude lady who claimed I was walking the cabbage patch dolls this was in the middle of the playground it felt like the world had stop as everyone was just so astounded at what she had said I turned walked away and spoke to the head teacher who swiftly acted by asking her to leave the premises and not to return until she had apologised she never did but because the school had received several complaints about her rudeness and racist comments not just to me she was banned from the school which wasn't very nice for her child. X

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    I can think of a few instances I've had.
    1. 2 children in buggy. " can't you tell they have different fathers"

    2. 2 children in buggy one holding onto side at the time was Aldo quite heavily pregnant. " just think of all the benefits that she is claiming and having another". I did respond that I was a childminder and that three were ones I look after and obviously the bump was mine".

    3. I popped into a local sainsburys while very pregnant with two in the trolley. "We are paying taxes to keep her in benefits and you can see they have different dads." I responded that the children of today will be paying tax in the future that will be paying for their pensions and that I pay tax too as I am an ofsted registered childminder" the two elderly ladies soon shut up and the check out lady was doubled up in laughter.
    Children are born with wings we help them to fly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blueeyedminder View Post
    I can't believe how ignorant some people can be!! I am a 22 yr old minder and yes I only look about 18 but that does not give people the right to judge me...

    I was taking a walk with my mindee's aged 4, 18 months and 12 months... I stop to give all the kiddies a drink and notice a couple of 'yummy mummy's staring at me and clearly talking about me. Then I actually hear

    "It's terrible isn't it, no wonder the country's going to pot, I bet they don't even have the same father"

    Omg fuming wasn't the word!! Couldn't bite my tongue and said out loud;

    "Excuse me but I'm their child minder not their mother! Nice for some who can stand around gossiping all day while others are out working hard, no wonder this country is going to pot"

    People like that really make my blood boil!!!
    Has anyone else ever had anything similar happen to them?!?

    Well done you for speaking out and not returning the rudeness. I think you were very controlled: certainly more than I'd have been.

    As a bloke, I'd have been tempted to say, "they're not mine - I snatched them when the nursery staff weren't looking."

    Had I been a woman, I'd have loved to go over to the yummy-mummies and say, "Yes, they do have different fathers. So you should tell your husbands to use some protection next time they sh4g with me." About turn, stride away, let them sort it out when hubby gets home..............

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    I had my first child at 17, so have many memories of the nasty comments made. The matron at the maternity hospital even asked, 'are you having that child adopted?'

    Now at the grand old age of 52 I love it when people think mindees are mine

    I cant look my age if they think I have 3 babies all under 18months old

    For a long time I have considered wearing polo shirts n fleece with my business name on. Maybe we should all wear big badges saying 'they're not all mine, I'm a childminder'

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    Quote Originally Posted by bunyip View Post

    Well done you for speaking out and not returning the rudeness. I think you were very controlled: certainly more than I'd have been.

    As a bloke, I'd have been tempted to say, "they're not mine - I snatched them when the nursery staff weren't looking."

    Had I been a woman, I'd have loved to go over to the yummy-mummies and say, "Yes, they do have different fathers. So you should tell your husbands to use some protection next time they sh4g with me." About turn, stride away, let them sort it out when hubby gets home..............
    Lmao good one

  30. #19
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    when I was out with my triple buggy 3 days ago I got told I was really fortunate to get my figure back lol. I had 9m. 13m n 19m with me. I just laughed and thanked her but then pointed out I borrowed them n would return them later.

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  32. #20
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    Hahaha. I took my daughter (23 months), my step-son (8) and a mindee (5) to a local library the other day to do some crafts. The lady who run the group kept telling me how impressed she was with my younger brothers drawings. She meant my step-son and my mindee lol.
    Seriously the look on her face when I explained to her that actually one of them was my husband's son and the other one was in my care,,,,,god just priceless. Btw I am 33 in 2 weeks time haha.


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Some people are so rude!!! Some people are so rude!!! Some people are so rude!!!

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