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Thread: bank holidays

  1. #1
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    Default bank holidays

    Do you charge fees for bank holiday?

    I feel so harsh not opening on bank holidays but charging full fees. But at the same time the parents are still getting paid from their work

  2. #2
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    Don't because I don't want to work. I don't think it's fair to say parents get paid either because not everyone does. In any case my personal opinion is that if I'm not open I don't charge but there will be plenty of people who think differently. You have to go with what you think will work best for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kidston View Post
    Do you charge fees for bank holiday? I feel so harsh not opening on bank holidays but charging full fees. But at the same time the parents are still getting paid from their work
    It's your business so you do what suits you, What I would do is say that you can work bank holidays but for double price or a set fee of x amount. This way the parents will choose not to use the service (hopefully) and still have to pay their usual daily fee. Just make sure you set the price high enough.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrudiR View Post
    Don't because I don't want to work. I don't think it's fair to say parents get paid either because not everyone does. In any case my personal opinion is that if I'm not open I don't charge but there will be plenty of people who think differently. You have to go with what you think will work best for you.
    I agree. It is simply inaccurate and lazy thinking to assume all parents get bank holidays off or get paid extra for working them. I have never done a job in which I was entitled to bank holidays off work or any an increased rate of pay.

    Yes, your business, your rules - though it staggers me that CMs operate policies that so many of their actual and potential clients dislike, and then wonder why they struggle to attract business or have deteriorating business relationships with existing clients.

    I do wish CMs would once and for all come to terms with the fact that we are self-employed. It is not the same as being employed, so we must take the rough with the smooth and not expect the best of both worlds.

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    In my last job I had to wprk a bank holiday as it was 1 of my contracted days. I wasn't ever paid a higher rate for the day but I did get a day off in lieu.

    I will work bank holidays but for a higher fee (50p more an hour) as I don't particularly want to work them but will if my parents need me. If they don't use me it's half fees just like any other time off the child has.

  7. #6
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    When I used a childminder for my DS I was working on a self-employed basis so although my job didn't require me to work on bank holidays I didn't get paid for them either. It's a mistake to assume that all our parents get paid for having bank holidays off.

    I make things simple for everyone. If I am open then parents pay, if I am closed (hols, sickness, BH's) then I don't charge. I don't work bank holidays so therefore I don't charge.


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    I dont want to work bank holidays so I dont charge :-)

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    My husbands firm closes on bank holidays and he gets paid for them but they count as 1 weeks holiday, he has to take 1 week between christmas and new year and the other 2 weeks we can take when we want.

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    I charge normal fees for bank holidays and double fees if I work them ... However ... I don't work Mondays and am usually off around Easter and Christmas so never charge!

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by AliceK View Post
    I make things simple for everyone. If I am open then parents pay, if I am closed (hols, sickness, BH's) then I don't charge. I don't work bank holidays so therefore I don't charge. xxxx
    Same. Open, pay. Closed, don't pay.
    I always always always close for bank holidays but I wouldn't dream of being paid for not working.
    I'm self-employed; as someone said, rough with the smooth.

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    my husband is self employed and works bank holidays so I offer to work bank holidays too. I charge normal rate if they don't use me and double the rate if they do use me.

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    I charge time and a half for children in attendance on bank holidays. I do offer to work them and the option is available to all parents.

    As with all other children's holidays if parents choose not to send them it is simply a standard days fees.

    The only loophole, which I find people like is for me to book a bank holiday as one of my holidays if no mindees are attending through parental choice. Then parents don't pay but I am 100% guaranteed a family day. Its kind of a win win.

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    I charge £25 per hour for bank holidays and I am willing to work if needed, if not I get paid normal rate. The money sounds alot but it was calculated at double time for 3 children (if three came the rate would be the same)

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    If you are not offering the service then You should not be charging....if you are open for business as usual and the child is contracted to be with you on a Monday, then charge your bank holiday is normally covered in the contract.

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    Quote Originally Posted by line6 View Post
    Don't because I don't want to work. I don't think it's fair to say parents get paid either because not everyone does. In any case my personal opinion is that if I'm not open I don't charge but there will be plenty of people who think differently. You have to go with what you think will work best for you.
    This is me too xx

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    I offer to work bank holidays. I charge normal rate if they don't use me and double the rate if they do use me

  20. #17
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    Hi I am not open bank holiday so do not charge for them. Only got last client because of this which is funny really as its term time only contract and most bank holidays fall in school holls x

  21. #18
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    I am closed bank holidays and do not charge. If a parent asked me I would consider working at a higher fee, but I would still only charge that parent (wouldn't class it as me being open). As a parent if I was paying for a service I would expect the service to be available. Just my opinion.

  22. #19
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    I find it impossible to justify charging for Bank Holidays, I'm self-employed as someone else said rough with the smooth. The parent gets paid argument so I should too just doesn't work for me, part of being self-employed.

    I understand charging more if you are prepared to work but I'm not so could never charge normal fee

    Just looking at it from a different angle, I think not charging for Bank Holidays has improved my relationship with parents, they see that I am flexible and sympathetic to their lives and childcare costs and, in turn, seem to respect me more or maybe I just have nice parents.

    I guess it is each to their own, we all run our business the way we want to.

    I go for if I'm open you pay, if I'm closed you don't, works for me.
    Last edited by Daisy De; 11-08-2014 at 06:38 AM.

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