Primary school become 1st CMs agency
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  1. #61
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rickysmiths View Post
    Oh no the 'helpful Henry' sounds exactly like your guy. Very poor English and quite hard to understand.
    Well I am still uncertain from my additional phone call yesterday.
    Indeed Henry is in charge of this agency but he was busy when I called...unfortunately I had difficulties in understanding the person who answered the phone in his place but called again when Henry was available.

    I queried who is in charge...Daryel Care or Kaamil Education... because if they are registered that means they have had to put forward a plan and go through the Ofsted assessment the moment is like a 'one man band' other words Henry?...not convincing enough.

    They are putting together a website and hope to be up and running by end of April ...or maybe very vague.
    By the end Henry got a bit rattled by my questions when he understood I had read all the DfE and Ofsted documents regarding the agency saga.

    I can see why any agency may need to liaise with any LA and this is my understanding...prospective cms will contact their LAs to register but they must be given the option of registering with Ofsted or signposted to an agency if that is what they want to do.

    As an example... the company setting up an agency in my LA also runs the 'briefing sessions' and they will give new cms the they say.
    Having an agency so close to us is useful as we can query equal opportunity for advertising and support ...Cms did at our recent meeting and I am sure we will continue to query them at out next meeting in 2 weeks' time

    In the case of Daryel Care their expertise is in looking after the they may need support in several areas such as assessment and QI?...somehow I don't think Henry will do that

    Their registration number is CA 00006...does that mean there 6 not 4 agencies registered?

    This is their website for anyone to draw their own conclusions.
    Daryel Care | Home Care, Nursing and Personal Support in London

    More info here.
    Daryel Care

  2. #62
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    I can see there are going to be 2 sorts of agencies. Those who are established nurseries, schools etc, who see it as an extension to the services they already offer and not necessarily a money making exercise. Then those who are in it for the money, have no experience in childcare, have little or no understanding of how childminding works, but think it's a great business to add to their portfolio

  3. #63
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    I can see there are going to be 2 sorts of agencies. Those who are established nurseries, schools etc, who see it as an extension to the services they already offer and not necessarily a money making exercise. Then those who are in it for the money, have no experience in childcare, have little or no understanding of how childminding works, but think it's a great business to add to their portfolio
    I agree as we know the agencies 'models' can vary from money making to Social Enterprises...but...the aim of agencies is to raise the quality of cms....or so the rhetoric goes.

    I can't imagine how this is to be achieved by those who know little...not only of cms but of EY quality in particular.
    I believe this is what we should keep in mind at all times...Cms will be thrown at the mercy of those who make money but will not raise standards.

    It may come back to haunt DfE and Ofsted when an agency inspection reveals quality is very low!

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  5. #64
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    Simona it indicates on their website that they already offer Tutoring services to children but there is no information or even a contact number to find out about it!

    Shambolic is the word that comes to mind with dear Henry!! What they are proposing to be doing over such a large area you would hope by now they would be a lot more organised and advertizing for business. They are clearly in it to make money so you would think for such a big operation they would need to be bringing in money from day one? It might even be funny if it wasn't so scary.

    Hey Ho what to I know about running an EY business!!

  6. #65
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by rickysmiths View Post
    Simona it indicates on their website that they already offer Tutoring services to children but there is no information or even a contact number to find out about it!

    Shambolic is the word that comes to mind with dear Henry!! What they are proposing to be doing over such a large area you would hope by now they would be a lot more organised and advertizing for business. They are clearly in it to make money so you would think for such a big operation they would need to be bringing in money from day one? It might even be funny if it wasn't so scary.

    Hey Ho what to I know about running an EY business!!
    Oh dear ...Mr Henry is causing me a lot of trouble!
    Look 'Financial Figures' and then 'Appointments'

    Kaamil Education Ltd - Endole

  7. #66
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    Hi guys

    We are in the process of registering our childminder agency, Ofsted are giving us the once-over shortly and would appreciate your take on what you would expect from agencies going forward - especially if Ofsted remain our (much) cheaper competitor,

    Thoughts ?

  8. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by agency12 View Post
    Hi guys

    We are in the process of registering our childminder agency, Ofsted are giving us the once-over shortly and would appreciate your take on what you would expect from agencies going forward - especially if Ofsted remain our (much) cheaper competitor,

    Thoughts ?
    Not sure about this?
    Would be happier if more details given, is this a childminder who is also opening an agency?

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  10. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by agency12 View Post
    Hi guys

    We are in the process of registering our childminder agency, Ofsted are giving us the once-over shortly and would appreciate your take on what you would expect from agencies going forward - especially if Ofsted remain our (much) cheaper competitor,

    Thoughts ?
    Aw, that's a bit unfair of you to expect us to do your market research without telling us anything about who you are and how you propose to run your agency

    If Ofsted are ready to give the once-over your business model must be set up and ready to go. It would be great to hear how you plan to do things and maybe then you would get some feedback on your plans.

    What will you offer childminders?

    How much will it cost parents and/or childminders?

    What experience do you have in childcare, particularly childminding?

    What areas will you serve?

    How do you plan to do things?

  11. #69
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by agency12 View Post
    Hi guys

    We are in the process of registering our childminder agency, Ofsted are giving us the once-over shortly and would appreciate your take on what you would expect from agencies going forward - especially if Ofsted remain our (much) cheaper competitor,

    Thoughts ?
    Why do you think that after 35 years of moving forward CMs may now want to regress and become unregistered again?

    The 'once over' is your preregistration visit where you need to prove your skills in Quality Assurance, safeguarding, training provision, peer support, supervision, assessment and judgement and ability to improve practice....a huge majority of CMs already show their practice is good/outstanding!
    If you do not know what CMs need your members will be doomed....and their grade too!

    I expect agencies to flop and huge resistance to them from CMs and the sector.
    If you are referring to the cheaper registration then you must wait until our fee comes up for is bound to be.

    Ofsted is not a much cheaper competitor...Ofsted is the inspectorate...warts and all ....and for me the devil I know is better than an untested one!
    Last edited by Simona; 19-05-2015 at 06:01 PM.

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  13. #70
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    I see St Bede is ready to register their first childminder. Still very evasive on exactly what they will offer and how much it will cost.

    I have to be honest (and I know this may be an unpopular view) I don't have a problem with somewhere like St Bede setting up as an agency. I'm sure their way of working will appeal to some childminders, or some of those those hoping to register. I don't think they're out to take over the childminding world or do away with independent childminders. I think they are simply trying to expand their portfolio of services. It's a shame their info is all so secretive still, but I guess that might be to do with the hostility they're faced with, or with the fact that they're still working out exactly how things are going to work.

    My concerns still remain with any agencies that set up purely as profit making businesses (not that I think they will succeed if that is their agenda), or if we find ourselves pushed towards joining an agency. That seems unlikely at the moment though considering there are so few of them.

  14. #71
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    I'm a little uncomfortable, not to mention surprised, that a Childminder Agency, who we know nothing about (Agency 12) is using this forum/searching around on it for tips - can't they get their own forum, or if they don't have one yet, set one up?

    Just saying!

    Last edited by lollipop kid; 21-05-2015 at 10:22 AM.

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  16. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by lollipop kid View Post
    I'm a little uncomfortable, not to mention surprised, that a Childminder Agency, who we know nothing about (Agency 12) is using this forum/searching around on it for tips - can't they get their own forum, or if they don't have one yet, set one up?

    Just saying!

    The Childminding Forum is here for all childminders - including childminders who want to join agencies.

    It was a tough decision for admin to make especially as none of us are intending to join an agency and as members know we have campaigned against them.

    However, we feel that all our members need somewhere to come and ask questions - we have set up the Facebook group for independent childminders and we have sections here on the Forum for both agency and independent childminders.

    I hope that clarifies our thinking

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  18. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarah707 View Post
    The Childminding Forum is here for all childminders - including childminders who want to join agencies.

    It was a tough decision for admin to make especially as none of us are intending to join an agency and as members know we have campaigned against them.

    However, we feel that all our members need somewhere to come and ask questions - we have set up the Facebook group for independent childminders and we have sections here on the Forum for both agency and independent childminders.

    I hope that clarifies our thinking
    Thanks. Grateful for the excellent job the forum already does for Independent Childminders, and appreciate that Individual Agency Childminders would equally benefit. But an Agency itself (Agency 12 - see post number 66 on this thread) on the forum? Just a bit baffled, that's all.

    PS: When I said in my earlier post, "Can't they get their own forum?" I meant can't the Agencies set up their own forum, so that the Agencies can help each other. (I was being a bit tongue in cheek, as I understand that we'd have more luck finding hen's teeth than Agencies at the present time).

    Last edited by lollipop kid; 21-05-2015 at 08:02 PM.

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  20. #74
    Simona Guest


    Those on twitter can follow St Bede CM Agency...they are about to register their 1st CM....or so the message said in February 2015
    This is their link and yes they do have far reaching childcare services...just what the govt want including the EY sector led by schools.
    St.Bede Childminding Agency | Bolton | Wigan & Leigh

    Considering how fast their registration happened 16 weeks' wait for them ...and that there was a queue of CMs waiting I am holding my breath.
    St Bede's is the DfE strategic partner in this agency saga...they are often in the news as a very successful academy.

    Soon we will find out more on who will be registering as an agency...remember those huge funding the DfE handed to charities to facilitate agencies in the last 2 years?

    I agree to a point that the way a CM agency works will appeal to some CMs...yes those new ones who have never run a business or handled the paperwork we have...I can see the attraction there....the agency will be their nanny state and do it all maybe?
    Maybe those unemployed mothers and disadvantaged men being currently recruited as Cms do not really cherish the red tape. I am sure CMs have seen that bit of news?
    It was the only argument I agreed with Truss...she thought anyone could be a CM but not anyone could run a business, a small self employed business and all it entails and that is not just the annual Tax return!

    The main hostility against agencies is ...was and will remain...the withdrawal of individual inspection....the 'deregulation of CMs' will keep those against it fighting till the end....sad the rest of the sector has not grasped what it means.

    The other is the fact that agencies will save Ofsted a load of money...I doubt Ofsted will be immune from coming govt cuts.
    Wilshaw said 'CMs are too expensive to register and inspect'...and the rest is history
    So my wild guess is...and it is an educated guess...our registration will finally be reviewed by 12 should know it is DfE that sets it not Ofsted and Truss froze it for 1 year only at £35.

    Many who were against agencies now welcome them as members of anything....and I am not just referring to this forum....I am referring to many representing bodies and such like who will welcome the agency as they will the agency members.

    Agencies can be money making businesses or Social LA will be a SE.
    SE means they do have to make money to pay staff wages, monitoring visits, training, Ofsted registration and expenses but they re invest the rest of the profit in the business....whichever they are they have to charge to keep the business afloat.

    This forum, like I assume many others, is open for ICMs and those who want to join or will join an agency.

    We shall have to wait and see if when they have joined an agency those Cms will require so mush support considering the agency is the one to provide it for them...interesting!

    I had no problems with answering Agency12 questions in this thread...many did ...what is annoying is the lack of response....if you asked a question please come back and acknowledge it.

    As Sarah says this forum is open to all CMs but agency 12 is an unknown quantity to us...she/he may be a CM or an agency...or anyone.

    Lollipop kid....I too am baffled by the questions posed, the use of the 'once over' used to describe what is a very extensive and rigorous Ofsted registration visit and the very questions about what do CMs want from an agency....baffling !

    If I wanted to join agency12 I would want to be reassured all is clear to those setting up and the agency ready to offer me the required support....not asking others just before registration.

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  22. #75
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    Many thank for the replies, positive and negative

    Points about having 'our own' forum taken, but I'm having the same issues identifying fellow apply'ees, ofsted seem to like what we have presented - the meeting still to happen..

    They are asking specifics about our senco support, which implies (to me) that we will be
    taking a bigger support role than originally made clear, I'll keep you guys up to date

    The what would you guys want is more of a what could a group provide (other than marketing) - we were thinking along the lines of group purchasing, training, group events and social stuff

  23. #76
    Simona Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by agency12 View Post
    Many thank for the replies, positive and negative

    Points about having 'our own' forum taken, but I'm having the same issues identifying fellow apply'ees, ofsted seem to like what we have presented - the meeting still to happen..

    They are asking specifics about our senco support, which implies (to me) that we will be
    taking a bigger support role than originally made clear, I'll keep you guys up to date

    The what would you guys want is more of a what could a group provide (other than marketing) - we were thinking along the lines of group purchasing, training, group events and social stuff
    Thank you for coming back agency12...our replies were not negative but constructively critical based on the terminology you used and the info you required.

    You now mention you will have a 'meeting'....if I understand how agencies work from my own LA experience: you will have produced a very ' detailed plan' for Ofsted on which model you intend to use, then you apply and pay a registration fee and then Ofsted come along for the registration visit and yes they need to ensure you have all the safeguarding in place and are able to offer that support.

    This is the sector's and Ofsted's main concern with any agency...a risk too far if this is not tested to the limit.....I am not reassured at this point because the SENCO in an agency will be the agency itself...that I am aware of, so sorry your answer is very unclear and doubly concerning if you say it was not the support role you envisaged?

    Marketing is part of the package for agency cms for obvious will be their own social media such as FB or is a 'must' ...the social stuff not obligatory....purchasing is also what many will offer.

    Thank you again for the reply certainly have given me some worrying points on which to continue our opposition to agencies.

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