View Full Version : Holding a pen/ writing/ hand preference

06-02-2012, 11:24 AM
This isn't really minding related as it's about my own so but I thought someone on here is bound to be able to help!

My son will be 3 next week and has recently shown a real interest in letters, phonics etc. I always get him to do 'kisses' when I write in a card, and when I asked him to do kisses in his Daddies card last week I noticed he had tried to copy his name.

I've been writing his name in crayon and getting him to trace over the top with pen (they do something similar with him at nursery) and I have noticed that he starts with the last letter of his name gradually moving along to the first letter, and starts each letter where I would naturally finish if that makes sense? But if I ask him how to write his name he will tell me the letters (well, sounds) in the correct order.

He is right handed but really struggles with holding a pen or pencil correctly- I help him hold it in the right way and he naturally moves him hand back! Until recently he used both hands- infact he still swaps hands when using scissors or cutlery.

Any advice? Is this going to be a problem that needs fixing ASAP or will he gradually learn the 'correct' way without any pressure? How can I help him with holding his pen properly?

06-02-2012, 11:30 AM
With regards to writing his name backwards this is perfectly normal and will take lots of practise and a few years until most children totally stop doing this. regarding holding his pen I wouldn't worry as he is only 3, if you have any concerns ask his nursery and they will be able to give you their view knowing him :)

06-02-2012, 11:33 AM
My advice would be not to worry although someone esle might have some more input.

All children need to learn that we write from left to right and all letters are formed in a certain way and he will learn this at school.

Maybe look at the letter at the beginning of his name and concentrate on forming that one first. My mindee is doing a capital H as her name begins with it. She uses any hand at the moment and will osmetimes start with the wrong stick for the H but she is still young. She has just turned 3 :D

06-02-2012, 11:44 AM
my son started holding his pen wrong and i have gradually managed to get it to a slightly better but not perfect grip - he still writes some of his letters backwards, especially E'd - he starts at the bottom of the tail. but things are slowly improving without too much intereference so i wouldn't worry (DS will be 5 next week)