View Full Version : toilet accidents!!!

14-08-2011, 09:28 AM
can any one help i have a 4 year old that doesnt use the toilet well and has had a few accidents were he has pooed himself . how do i go bout cleaning him up as he doesnt like to tell anyone what hes done or let anyone help when hes done it.. :(

16-08-2011, 01:54 PM
Have you spoken to mum about this? Does he do the same at home?

16-08-2011, 04:24 PM
How do they deal with this at home? Is he capable of cleaning himself up with wipes etc?

16-08-2011, 04:32 PM
If he can manage to clean himself up I would leave him a basket of necessary equipment in the bathroom - wipes, clean clothes, nappy sacks for dirty clothes etc. Encourage him to go off & sort himself out, with you just checking afterwards.

If he can't manage himself, still leave everything in the bathroom, but take him yourself & do as much as you need to, without saying much.