View Full Version : sorry me again - pre-reg boklet

10-05-2011, 08:03 PM
I WILL get this completed tonight lol

Is this correct/ish

26) What resources and equipment do you know you will need to meet the individual needs of children?

I have a varied variety of toys, books puzzles things to keep most children entertained.
Once I have a child in a settling in period I can assess what thing they enjoy to play with and invest if require.
Plates, cups, towel, flannel etc
Bedding if a sleeping child.

10-05-2011, 08:42 PM
Yes that sounds fine... just note that you will better meet individual needs once you have met and know the interests and learning styles of the child.

Also they might be thinking about things like high chairs, buggies, booster seats, car seats etc.

hth :D

10-05-2011, 08:55 PM
thank you Sarah, so much information to keep in mind at one time my head keeps spinning :)

10-05-2011, 09:30 PM
Gosh I dont think I understood that question as I put.
"Resources and equipment need to be aged related to the child"

My head is so mushed with it all, Im not understanding the questions. :eek: