View Full Version : First inspection an no mindees yet

14-03-2011, 10:24 AM
Im asking this for a friend. Shes just got the dreaded white envelope but hasnt got any mindees yet, shes been registered for about six months.
Will she still get inspected or will they wait till shes got some mindees. I said she should phone them and see what they say but she wants an idea of what will happen before she phones.

14-03-2011, 06:26 PM
Scotland is very different from England.

In England they will usually wait a while to let you become a little more established. I'm not sure about Scotland.

I think your friend needs to give them a call like you suggest :D

14-03-2011, 06:32 PM
Think there really needs to be mindees for them to inspect and to grade you on your work...you would need to ask your friend like you said to phone them and query it.xx