View Full Version : pick ups in the snow

19-12-2010, 04:52 PM
Would you do it......I have to pick 2 mindees up every morning and drop off . would you do the pick up in the snow. we have had 8 in snow since Friday. I have a policy about bad weather. but I have been driving all over the weekend and feel bad not doing it. The mum is on her own so cant drop off as she has no car and its 2 buses away.

19-12-2010, 04:59 PM
Depends on your contract. If it is in the contract that you collect then I dont think you can charge if you dont do it. If you are happy to drive then I dont see why you shouldnt. If its not in the contract then you could offer to charge half if she cant get them to you?

19-12-2010, 05:24 PM
If it is in your contract then if you can get aroung yes you should do it. This is the very reason I will not agree to pick up or take mindees home on a daily basis.

19-12-2010, 05:30 PM
I think it is different driving in it yourself than driving with minded children in the car, I would do a risk assessment and taker it from there. I have personally done one and when the weather is severe will NOT drive with minded children unless it is essential.

Chimps Childminding
19-12-2010, 05:53 PM
I think it is different driving in it yourself than driving with minded children in the car, I would do a risk assessment and taker it from there. I have personally done one and when the weather is severe will NOT drive with minded children unless it is essential.

I agree! I don't like driving in the snow as it is, but even less so with other peoples children in the car. My car will stay on the drive unless it is an absolute emergency :blush:

19-12-2010, 05:54 PM
Hi, I also have to pick up a 1 year old tmw morning as I offered a couple of weeks ago. Now I feel obliged to do it as mum's car won't make it up my road. Dad has done is a couple of times but they have asked me tmw. I said yes but it will be 7.30 not 7.00 as I have another mindee coming!

Bit annoying I have to get up de-ice etc!!! :panic:

19-12-2010, 06:27 PM
I wont drive mindees in the snow. As already said, its different driving yourself but safety has to come first.

19-12-2010, 07:08 PM
weve been hit quite hard by the snow so i definately wouldnt risk it, i dont think mum would want you to 'risk' it either. :thumbsup: