View Full Version : Feedback and how do you get it??

02-12-2010, 03:11 PM
Hello all - despite the fact that I may not even have any mindees after this snow thing (if youve seen my other post!!) I wondered, as a more general question, how you obtain feedback/references/comments from parents? I have seen on some of the minders websites that they have short paragraphs in quote marks from parents saying theyve done a good job etc. I wondered how they obtain these? Is it appropriate to give parents a comments card and ask them to provide feedback?

I was thinking of employing this every six or twelve months or at the end of December each year etc and asking for comments/feedback/criticisms/enquiries/suggestions etc?? or could I be opening a very large can of worms :laughing: :laughing:

candy cat
02-12-2010, 03:29 PM
I do a questionaire for new parents about our first visits etc and paperwork...Also the communication books are for comments,complaints etc although, I encourage complaints to be discussed although none yet..thank god! Also, I have a progress comment page which they fill in each few months when learning journals go home. :)

02-12-2010, 06:35 PM
That's what I do too. I recently sent their learning journals home with a questionnaire for parents to fill and they all came back with nice comments.
I also have a compliments book right by the entrance and when a parent says 'X really enjoyed doing something yesterday he was talking about it a lot.' I say oh thank you for telling me and just hand them the book to write it down and sign.
But I have to say that the best comments come from kids themselves. I made another questionnaire for children and one of my mindees when asked if there are any activities that they'd like to do but we've not done yet said 'I'd like to play with electrics' Dad is an electrician ... I'll put my thinking cap on ...

02-12-2010, 07:16 PM
I do questionaires but also use comments in daily books, bits of emails, remarks on thank you cards and even verbal comments. I take pictures of flowers / chocolates etc given to me by parents.

Penny :)

02-12-2010, 07:30 PM
I do questionaires but also use comments in daily books, bits of emails, remarks on thank you cards and even verbal comments. I take pictures of flowers / chocolates etc given to me by parents.

Penny :)

I do the same as Penny:thumbsup: . Remember you may get some negative comments! but this is a fab way of reflecting on your practice and then showing how you go about improving things.