View Full Version : Charming....

29-11-2010, 08:32 AM
Ive had a horrid weekend - in respects that ive caught a chill and feel absalutly c***, but due to lack of payment if setting not open.... anyway parent comes and asks how i am, I tell her Im not feeling great as caught chill, she turns round and says - well ** isnt well today.

i know im feeling rubbish but 99.9% of the time im fine but sending her son to me - not well -charmin

(this reads very pot calling kettle black dosent it (i wash my hads often and know how to prevent germ spreding)

29-11-2010, 08:41 AM
Big hugs to you. Cuddle up on the sofa - dvd and cbeebies - its days like this they were invented for!!!!

Take care xxx

30-11-2010, 01:21 PM
Hope your feeling better....I feel a bit rubbish today...sore throat and my ears hurting.

With all the snotty noses, green sneezes and coughs form and 18month old who's too young to cover her nose. Sickness bugs going around school and even Hand foot and mouth going round, theres no surprising im feeling a bit rough. (i usually miss all the illnesses but this time theyve got me)

Ah well...upwards and onwards...can't have a day off with a cold

becky x