View Full Version : Twins?

08-04-2010, 03:30 PM
Finally going to get my butt in gear and start (was thinking of september) but i've just had an enquiry for twins to start in August :eek:
Thats great as it would be my 2 under 5's but i was wondering how do people price twins? As i feel happy for my first enquiry but quite scared..... i hope thats a normal feeling :blush:
I've worked out my going rate (3.50) for 3 full days (10 hrs a day) x2 and it comes to £210.00 per week, now to me that sounds like silly money (wondering if its worth her going bc to work actually) so as i'm new to the game i thought i'd ask you lovely ladies what you thought and if you could give me some guidance to what you think or would do.


08-04-2010, 03:39 PM
hi i use to do a 20% reduction for familys but now dont as so many do get help with there c.care. i would charge your daily fees each and see what she says as there both eating and being cared for individually. if she has a problem with this and you really want/need to take on then offer a discout.