View Full Version : Policy help

12-01-2010, 10:08 AM
I have a variety of policies in place but can anyone please tell me which ones are mandatory for Ofsted/EYFS?

Thank you.

12-01-2010, 10:37 AM
As childminders you are required to have written statements of procedures to be followed to safeguard children bring cared for from abuse or neglect. A written statement of procedures to follow in relation to complaints. A written record of any complaint, the outcome of the investigation and any action taken. These must be available to parents and to inspectors
It is good practice to have
A safeguarding children policy and procedure.
An equal opportunities policy
A policy for administering medication
A behaviour management policy
A policy for dealing with concerns/complaints from parents
A procedure to follow in the event of a parent failing to collect a child
A procedure to follow if a child goes missing
A procedure for the emergency evacuation of the premises
but I dont think you are required to have them written just as long as you have thought about what you would do.
I have a Policy pack that parents sign with all of the policies to read and keep. Also a copy in my setting that parents can look at too